Taste of Loneliness (Kellic)

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I stood on the edge of the cliff. No, I wasn't about to jump if that's what you were thinking. I like to come out here every once in a while just to gather my thoughts and keep myself sane. With the life I have, it's not so easy to not go crazy.

The cool breeze hit my arms, making me shiver a bit. It wasn't cold out here but the wind was. After a while of staring down at the pool of water below me, I sat down on the grassy part of the cliff.

"Its nice out here," I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw a guy walking out of the darkness cast by the trees and coming towards me.

"Yeah. It kind of is. Mesmerizing almost."

He sighed before sitting beside me. "Mind me asking what the hell you're doing way out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I countered, "but if you must know, I was just getting away from life for a bit. It's too much to handle at times. Your turn," I flipped the tables onto him.

He looked down at his hands that were crossed over his lap. "How 'bout we get the basics out of the way before the deep stuff," he laughed but continued. "I'm Vic and I'm 17." Wow, when he said basics he really meant it. "Kellin. 17 as well. Well, looky here some stuff in common already,"I joked as I nudged his shoulder. He stifled a laugh and we continued talking.

"It's getting pretty late. We should head home for the night." My smile faded a bit. I haven't felt so free for so long and I was in no way ready to let go of it so fast. "Can we meet again tomorrow I mean only if you want to." He smirked and stood up. His hand was outstretched towards me to help me up to my own feet. I took it and we walked towards the trees that looked even creepier at 2 in the morning.

"Sounds like a plan," he said, "I'll see you tomorrow Kells." The name made my heart flutter. What the hell heart!? Calm yourself down there bud! Jeez!

"Yeah. Night Vic." He pulled his hoodie over his head and walked in the opposite direction of my home.


I crept up the porch steps as quietly as I possibly could but the damn things are so old they'll creak no matter what. After what felt like an eternity trying to get up the steps, I was finally inside the house. It smelled like food which was weird. Nobody ever makes anything. We just order takeout. I walked into the living room which branched off the kitchen. My dad was there holding -no surprise to me- a beer bottle.

"Where the hell have you been?"He slurred. My blood ran cold. I never liked talking to him while he was drunk. He took things the wrong way and I would end up crying. "I was just out walking with a friend," I lied. Vic wasn't a friend or maybe he was now. I don't know but that's the least of my worries at this moment.

"You have no friends. You have no family," he said and I thought he was done but he continued, "and you have no life!" He stood up from his seat and marched over to me. "I wanted a God damn son! Not some faggot who locks himself in his room all day watching gay porn!"

I was gay yes. But why should that matter about who I am as all person? Just because I like the same damn gender doesn't mean that I'm an asshole or I'm a sweetheart. But no way in hell was I going to defend my weak self against his harsh words.
"When I talk to you, you better fucking answer me dammit!" he slapped me hard across my left cheek. I was used to it though so it had no effect on me.

"Looks who's being a man for once in his life! Shall we test how long it'll last!?" he spat in my face as he grabbed me the collar of my shirt. He threw me against the wall but not before throwing in a quick punch to my stomach. I've always had back problems and when he started abusing me, it just got so much worse.

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