viccy dearest - {kellic}

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{it's not really kellic, but it is kellin and vic. there will also be derogatory terms, i won't put them, so you'll just have to use a bit of imagination and fill in the blanks. another thing, these thoughts aren't my own.}

* transphobia *


I gripped the pencil in my hand. I could feel my blood start to boil in my veins as I continued to focus.  The numbers started blurring into one another—

"I didn't take you for someone who finished homework last minute," someone said as they slapped their hand against my back. My body lurched forwards from the impact of their hand. I rolled my eyes and looked over at my friend.

"Fuck off."

He simply giggled and sat beside me, slouching into his seat. I loved Kellin, he was my best friend, but in no way did that mean I could never hate him or be annoyed with him. He had an annoying personality. He didn't get that, though. "I was going to do it— I was going to call you, in fact, so we could do it together last night, but I felt lazy."

"And you wonder why you're failing," I muttered.

He suddenly slammed his hand down onto the table as his body shot into a straight position, startling me. "Did you hear?"

I quirked a brow, "Uh, hear? About what?"

"The new kid! Apparently she's transgender, everyone's talking about it!"

"Uh, okay? Why would I care?"

"Because, Vic, she dresses like a boy, she said she goes by Alex, but it's stressing me out! Like, she's a girl! If she was meant to be a dude, she would've been a dude, right? It's concerning."

I tore my eyes away from him. My pencil was twirling in my hand as he ranted on and on about this new kid. Everything he was saying was starting to sting on the inside. I didn't know that Kellin could be so passionate about something that didn't have anything to do with him. I guess this was all it really took.

"I don't see why you're so worried about them. I mean, just ignore them if it bothers you so much."

He sighed, a small pout ghosting his lips, "You're no fun."

I shrugged, leaving the topic at that. I wasn't about to play along with his sick jokes.


Just as Kellin had mentioned, there was a new kid, They were dressed in a plain tee, paired with some black skinny jeans and some dirty vans; a typical outfit for an ordinary school day. I watched as they went over to the professor and handed him a small pink slip. Mr. Jefferson smiled at the student and gestured to the classroom. I couldn't tear my eyes away from them as they walked around, avoiding the larger groups. They finally came closer to where I was sitting before choosing the seat in front of me. Kellin wasn't going to like that at all.

As they began to rummage through their bag, they looked at me from the corner of their eye before shooting me a small smile. I felt compelled to return it. I admit that it was a bit forced, though.

"I don't bite," they said, "Despite what people have already said about me."

My cheeks started to burn and I was more than sure I was flushed with embarrassment. Fuck. "I- Oh- Um, I'm- I'm sorry—"

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