Wanna Be Your Favorite Boy {Quinnciado}

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It hurt.

A lot.

I didn't want to leave my room for anything; I wanted to stay inside and be left alone. I was too embarrassed to face my family, my parents especially. They told me that he wasn't good enough for me, but my love for him blinded me from the truth. But what he did, didn't suddenly make those feelings disappear.

There were times that I wanted to know why, and then there were times I didn't care to listen to his voice. But I couldn't get the image out of my head. Their moans, the way their bodies moved perfectly in sync, the way she screamed his name—His name coming from her mouth as he fucked her.

I scratched at my arms as the images flashed through my mind. Did he not notice me? Or did he just not care enough to pull out and acknowledge that I caught him? How long had it been going on? Why her?

I felt my throat tightening as I held back my unshed tears. It hurt so much. My heart was broken, and the sad truth was that he was the only one who could piece it back together. I couldn't just give up on us that easily, could I?

And suddenly my phone rang from my bedside table. With shaky hands, I reached over and picked it up. I couldn't tell you if I was relieved or disappointed that it was just my alarm. It was in that moment that I realized I had woken up an hour before my 6:45 a.m. alarm went off— he was still invading my thoughts. I shut it off and wiped my eyes with my blanket.

A sudden sense of determination washed over me. My mind couldn't catch up with my body and I soon found myself walking downstairs, slipping on my vans. What was I doing?

My parents were sitting at the table and they looked up at me with concerned faces. "Are you okay?" My mom asked.

I nodded, adding an extra smile for good measure. "I'm doing great." They seemed to buy into my lie, which I was grateful for. My dad glanced between my mom and I. It didn't take a genius to know what he was thinking. "Dad, please stop. I'm going to school whether you guys want me to or not."

He opened his mouth to say something, but I picked up a slice of toast, taking a quick bite. "Just be careful." Who would've thought my parents were skeptical about me going to school? I shook the thought away and stepped outside with my bag swinging in my left hand. The air was much colder now that the year was getting to its last couple of months. I remembered that these were his favorite months, especially December. He was a sucker for Christmas and all its traditions.

I finished off my toast as I made the short walk to the school. Anxiety bubbled in my veins as it came into view. How was I going to be able to face him? Did he know how much he hurt me? Was he ashamed?

People stared at me as I walked through the school hallways. They either heard the news or I looked like a train wreck, I didn't know, nor did I care. I wasn't okay.

I kept my head down as I trudged along. My feet felt heavy and my head was starting to pound in my ears as my mind finally realized where I was.

I felt my lungs struggle for air. My chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace and my hands felt tingly. I gulped and tried my best to stay calm until I could get myself into a bathroom. I raced inside and locked the door so nobody could come in and interrupt me.


The bell rang about an hour ago, but class was the last thing I wanted to go to.

I opened the library door. The two librarians smiled at me, silently welcoming me. I knew them well because of him. He always preferred to be sitting in here than to be in a rowdy room of people who annoyed him. I didn't blame him. It wasn't a surprise when I saw him sitting there with a to-go cup beside him on the table and a book in his hands. He looked so precious, it reminded me of when we first met. 

A sigh left my lips. I gathered up what little courage I had left in me and began to walk towards him. It didn't take long for him to notice my steps. His head shot up and that's when I got a good look at his face. His eyes were red and puffy, a clear hint that he'd been just as messed up as me. He wore a beanie on his head, probably to cover his messy hair. I wasn't in the mood to shower either. He seemed so dull. . .  His mouth opened.


"Let's fix this."


{this wasn't my best, but i really enjoyed writing it! this was originally going to a fuenciado, but my friend and i started talking and i ended up changing it to quinnciado bc it's much cuter. I hope you liked it <3}

words: 844

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