And You Never Did (Fuenciado)

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You loved me and showed me that you did every time we were in the same room.

Coming out to our friends in general was scary at first considering they would start cracking jokes about us liking one another but I guess that's what lured me in to start with. Coming out to our friends as a couple was even scarier, they would tease us but they don't understand what it's like to feel so strongly about another person. So strong that it sometimes hurts.

The day you asked me out, my, that was the best day of my life. It was also the beginning to something I never thought could happen to me. I didn't have any second guesses about whether or not you liked boys since you had already told our group but it was more so I thought you didn't like me in general.

The day you said you loved me. My heart was racing and I was sure you could feel it when you kissed me. I didn't say it back and as much as you tried to play it off I could see that it hurt you. I did love you, so much. The words were just stuck and I was scared that I'd ruin a perfect thing even though you had already told me how you felt.

The day we told our families. I was scared of telling my family that I was in love with another boy but you said that you'd never let me go. Mom was accepting, dad was hesitant and Mike, Mike loved you.

And probably the day I've felt more in love with you than ever; the first time we had sex. Oh, I still remember how you moved so slow. The sensual feeling and the romantic atmosphere. You went all out to make it perfect, you were worried about me not liking it but the thing was, it was more than perfect. The moonlight was seeping in through your window at four in the morning and I laid by your side as I let my mind wander to what had just happened. It was hitting your face in all the right ways, making you even more beautiful. You were my first and I couldn't imagine it being anybody else.

I don't know what happened. You were happy and you were okay. Things went south and we didn't really see each other that much anymore. Your texts were distant and cold. I didn't catch you looking at me in biology like usual. You changed.

You changed for the worst and I didn't know how to help.

I said earlier that the best day of my life was the day that you asked me out. I also said that it was the beginning of something I never thought could happen to me. I fell in love and I devoted myself to you. To me, love only happened in fairytales but here I am, still madly in love with you. Even though you can't love me anymore.

The worst day of my life was when everything ended. I stopped seeing you completely, I never woke up to any 'good morning' texts, you missed school a lot and on the days I did see you in class, you never paid any attention to what anybody was saying. You also sat alone during lunch and away from us. We all worried about you to no end but nobody wanted to go and ask what was wrong because you wouldn't talk; you'd get up and walk away. Oh, how I wish I read the signs right. Sometimes I wonder that maybe if I did then you would still be here. By my side.

I don't know why you did it, I don't know why you had to go and end something so beautiful. That was something you can never get back. And no, I'm not talking about what we had. I'm talking about your life. Why'd you do it? Why'd you have to end it? I question it all the time but I've come to to the conclusion that all good things must come to an end, right? Is that how that saying goes? Or how about if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, then it was meant to be. You said you'd never let me go but unfortunately, I have to move on.

All because you let me go when you said you never would.

"Why'd you have to kill yourself, Jaime? Why?"

{I don't know what this is?? I don't know how I feel about it? But I do know how 0Kellic0 feels about it. Anyways, I hope you guys liked it 💖🐢 }

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