No Matter What (Perrciado)

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Tony and I had been friends for quite some time. We met when we were in, I think fourth grade. We just clicked in some way that I can't explain.
But I wanted more. I liked him so much that I just wanted to blurt out my feelings for him, but I know he doesn't feel the same way. He's straight.

"So what exactly are we doing for this stupid project anyways?" He asked me as we made our way to the exit of the school. "Jesus, I don't know," I replied, "I mean we obviously need to make a presentation about something controversial."

He nodded in agreement and then he smiled at me. I knew that look all too much; the turtle had an idea. "What about gay rights?" He asked. That seemed more than perfect to me. No, I'm not gay. More like pansexual.

"That's perfect! But are you okay with it?"
He gave me a thumbs up before talking. "I mean we're both straight so it shouldn't be too awkward, I guess,"he said. Ooh yeah. I haven't come out to anyone yet so he thinks I'm not into guys. Funny.


We walked up my driveway and into my house. "Okay so what exactly are we going to look up?" I asked him as I made my towards my safe haven; my room.
"Uhh maybe we can take look at different opinions and write them all down to show what people think about it." That was actually a sweet idea so that's what we went with.


We were sitting across from each other on the floor with a few research papers sprawled out in front of us. "God, I'm fucking tired already!"He said as he made a yawning sound. "If you want we can stop and do something else?" I gave him an option. He nodded and laid out on the carpet.

"Set up the xbox while I go get some water. Want anything?" I said.

"Nah I'm good. Thanks."

I left the room and went to go get a water bottle from the fridge when I saw a bright sticky note on the door.

'Hey sweetie! So your dad and I won't be back home for a couple of days so we left you a little bit of money to buy anything you need. Love you, mom'

My parents are always leaving on business trips and it sometimes gets annoying. I'm a teenage boy who has needs! And one of those needs just so happens to be his parents. I crumbled the paper into a little ball before throwing it into the garbage can.

As I walked back towards the room, I slowed down because I heard Tony talking to himself.
"What the fuck is wrong with me? He can't feel that way, not about me at least. If he finds out that I feel the same, I'm fucking screwed." He kept mumbling but stopped as soon I stepped into the room.

"All set up and ready to go,"he said with a cheeky smile. "Now get over here and get ready to have your ass beat." I shouldn't have taken that the wrong way but hey, I did and the thoughts left as fast as they got there.

"Whatever. You probably just chose a game that you're good at! Freaking cheater," I said. I sat down by his side on the floor as he took off his hoodie, making his shirt ride up a little bit. I mentally groaned in frustration. He can't keep doing this to me!

He leaned back on the bed and stared at me.

I was leaning on the bed as Jaime and I stared at one another. I've never noticed how nervous he acts around me sometimes. Before I knew what I was doing, I pressed my lips against his soft ones. He didn't do anything for a couple of seconds and I started to freak out.  Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

The thoughts vanished when I felt his lips finally moving. Okay, I was confused. Weren't we both straight? Eh, why the hell not enjoy kissing him?

He gently bit on my bottom lip and I had no choice but to let him explore my mouth. Damn, he tasted so sweet! I accidentally let out a moan when he tugged me closer to him. I got the hint so I put my legs on either side of his hips, straddling him. His arms wrapped around my waist keeping me close. I wouldn't move though.

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