It's Been A While (Tony Perry) *SMUT*

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Straight smut makes me uncomfortable, or just smut in general so I'm sorry if this was bad BUT I NEED THE PRACTICE FOR FUTURE STORIES <3 Enjoy 



I checked my phone for the 50th time that night. Tony, my boyfriend, still hadn't called or texted. He told me he was going out with his friends today, which was completely fine... When he told me. Today, however, I needed him. I needed him to pleasure me.

I woke up with these ideas of trying something new in our sex life and I couldn't stop thinking about them! All day I would just imagine how we would have sex in an area. During breakfast, I could feel him fucking me over the kitchen table. In the living room, he would bend me over the back of the couch and have his way with me. Hell, even when he was leaving I was still imaging him banging me against the front door.

I just felt so horny and I couldn't make it stop. I decided to distract myself with some good old Netflix but after an episode of Breaking Bad I found myself binge watching some adult movies. I didn't even realize it but my hand had made its way down to my lower region, making me feel slightly better. But it wasn't enough. I needed my boyfriend but he was out and about.

Maybe some tea and books would help. I threw the t.v. remote on the bed and wandered into the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and smiled when I saw my favorite mug sitting on the bottom shelf at the front. I guess Tony knew that I was too short to reach higher than the first shelf.

Once my tea was done, I smiled when I had an idea. Its not the first time that I've needed him so I took matters into my own hands by buying myself a vibrator. I'm not sure if he knows that I own one or not but I'm 26 so he has no right to judge me.

I made sure that my tea was in the living room before I ran up stairs and to my closet. I hid the vibrator in a box full of old makeup products that I loved but didn't want to forget about. The vibrator wasn't in any particular shape, just a wand but it satisfied me due to it being about the same size as the real thing. I held it in my hand as I walked back into my living room, ready for a little naughty action.

I turned Netflix back on and resumed the movie I was watching upstairs and it just happened to start with a heated kissing scene.

What if Tony and I did that? I thought to myself. We've never had sex in our backyard and it would be nice especially since we don't have any pesky neighbors.

I looked to my right and saw the dark halls that led to different parts of our house. Im alone and its okay for me to do this. Besides, I'm not the only woman in the world who has needs!

A sheepish smile made its way onto my face as I began to rub myself over my panties. It was sticky and wet, which was to be expected. I slowly pulled them off my body, leaving nothing in between me and my clit. Everything was working out and I was gonna get my needs satisfied.

I turned on the vibrator to its lowest setting and held it against me, the feeling intensifying. I let a soft moan when I hit the right spot... The spot he always licked. The spot he claimed as his.

"Ooh yes!"

I arched my back, setting the vibrations to its max. My manicured fingers were slipping in and out of me as I rolled my imaginary Tony around me.

My teeth clamped around my bottom lip, I was reaching my climax. The vibrator was still going and soon it was too much for me so I pulled it away and let my hand do the work. I rubbed myself up and down, going faster with each stroke.

"Yes! Y-yes, Tony!" I moaned loudly when I reached my high.

"Don't stop now," I heard someone say, scaring me. I shot up from the couch and looked around the room. Tony was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

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