Going Out - {Fuenciado}

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Vic sat on the couch, curled up in the corner with a blanket draped over his lap and shoulders to keep warm. It was one in the morning and his boyfriend still wasn't home. Time was ticking away and the longer it went the more worried Vic became. He promised himself that he'd stay awake until Jaime stepped into the apartment safe and sound. But it was so late.

He did doze off a few times and the sound of rattling keys on the other side of the door woke him. He blinked, and checked the time. It was a quarter ‘till three. Vic didn't realize he had slept that long but he was glad that Jaime was home now. Quickly, he pushed the blanket off of his body and threw it aside.

“Jaime?” He called out. “Babe?”

“What?” Vic could hear the faint sound of Jaime’s labored breathing and keys being set down on the table.

“Where were you?” He questioned with a bit of a demanding voice than he would use on a regular basis. He was mad, of course he was mad. Jaime was at work, he got off at seven, and didn't call Vic once to tell him what was happening.

Jaime sighed and finally stepped into the room. His hair was a curly mess, seeming to have been wet. His clothes were wrinkled and disheveled as they clung to his body. And his face. He looked so tired. “What's it to you?”

“What's it to me?!” Vic yelled back, “What's it to me is that you've been who the hell knows where and I've been here worried sick over your stupid ass!” He kept his eyes locked on Jaime. He moved around the small living space and sat down on the couch across from Vic. He didn’t seem to care what was going on around him.

“You know exactly where I was, Vic,” Jaime snapped. The tone in his voice was low, almost scary and menacing.

Vic sighed, defeated. Jaime had been going to a bar that was right around the corner from his workplace almost every night and it’s gotten to the point all five bartenders knew exactly who he was. Jaime was an alcoholic. He depended on it to get by and Vic couldn’t do anything but stand aside and watch as he destroyed himself little by little.

He sat beside Jaime on the couch. He wasn't touching him but he wasn’t cowering away, Vic was at a safe distance. “How’d you get home?”

“Tony drove me,” he replied. “I may be drunk or whatever but I'm not stupid.”

“I didn't say you wer-”

“That's what you implied!” He shouted. He kept his eyes locked on the floor in front of him. He didn’t dare to show any aggression towards Vic. He had to remind himself that Vic wasn’t the enemy, he wasn’t there to hurt Jaime. “I'm sorry.”

Vic sat there with his arms crossed in front of him. He had flinched away at the sudden raise in tone but deep down he knew Jaime wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. Jaime simply wasn’t that kind of guy. “I just wish you would talk to me. Like before all of this started,” Vic said.

“I want that too, Vic, but it’s so hard when I can’t even control myself anymore. It’s like, it’s like I’m a fucking puppet. My mind is so focused on doing what I can to make myself feel better, whether it’s healthy or not, that’s all I can care about."

The confession surprised Vic. He would’ve never thought that Jaime would open up about what was going on while he was sober, much less when he was drunk. Then again Jaime had always been an emotional drunk, of course he had other ways of acting when he was intoxicated, Vic had seen many different faces, but somehow the emotional side only came out when it was just the two of them alone.

Vic wasn’t sure what to say so he didn’t say anything. He reached over and intertwined his fingers with Jaime’s. “You probably won't remember any of this tomorrow, but all I can say is that alcohol - drinking all night long isn’t the way to get better. Jaime, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. . .”

Jaime gave a small squeeze, a dopey grin on his face. “I know. But I can’t stop.”


Two months later, Vic stood alone. The trees were almost at their bare branches, leaves scattered throughout the dying grass. “I wish you would've tried.” He stared down at the tombstone and a tear ran down his cheek. He left it alone, not caring whatsoever. “All you said was you couldn't stop, but not once did you try.”

He let out a huff of air and set down the small bouquet of flowers. “I'll visit again sometime soon, my dear.” With those final words he turned on his heel and walked away, silently vowing to himself to never drink again.


A/N: I hope you all had a good Christmas and/or happy holiday season! So this one shot didn't go where I wanted it to because I was pretty much timed and this is what I came up with! This is my first update in months and I'm happy to be back ♡  thanks for reading!


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