Thanks To You (Tony Perry) pt. 3

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Today was the day.

After four long agonizing years I was finally going to be a college graduate but I still didn't know what I was going to do with my degree. I started a band with Jaime, Vic and Mike after Hime found me jamming out in my garage during spring break last year and I'm glad that he did because now I get to do what I love. 

Amelia demanded that she wanted to share a room with me again during our third year and the campus didn't see a problem in it so we ended up living in the same dorm for the following two years. I asked her to be my girlfriend on that same day, my birthday, and I don't think that I've ever been happier by someone's side. 

I will admit that I was a possessive little shit and I wanted her all to myself but she was quite popular with the boys which was a really bad thing in my eyes. But after so many disputes about it, she stayed loyal to me and I trusted that she wouldn't cheat. 

It was 6 in the morning and I didn't know why I was up so early but the excitement was killing me! I got out of bed and quietly snuck over across the room to where my girlfriend laid in bed, breathing softly. Over time, she started to realize that studying didn't need to happen every single day and she loosened up, especially during the weekends. 

"Lia?" I whispered in her ear, making her groan and turn around so her back was to me. I gently shook her shoulder and she finally woke up. 


"I can't sleep," I admitted, sheepishly. 

Amelia sat up and looked at me. The sunlight seeping from behind the blinds created a beautiful cast on her face, making her look even cuter with her bedhead and bare face, if that was even possible. "And you decided that you'd wake up me up for what exactly?" 

"Move over," I said. She made space for me after she rolled her eyes so I crawled into her bed. Amelia draped an arm over my stomach, keeping me close as I played with her hair. "I never would've taken you for the kind of guy that would like to cuddle," she teased. 

I scoffed, "I am human too Amelia. I like feeling loved and warm so leave me alone." 

She laughed as it vibrated through her body and I loved that sound so fucking much but she was right. I was becoming a different person because of her. 

I did my schoolwork, I didn't go out to parties as much and I was such a cheesball which was something totally new to me but it was all for her. Sure, when I first walked into my dorm the year I met her, I thought she was hot. Her accent made everything sound absolutely perfect but I didn't actually like her. 

It wasn't until after a few weeks of living together that we became friends. Not good friends but friends nonetheless. It was weird since I've never had a female friend that was close to me but I guess she was just different. A good different, of course. 

Jaime didn't really like her when we first started going out since 'I was always putting her first' which I can understand but she was my girl and he was my best friend- they had to get along. That was kind of hard to do but it's totally different today. They gain up on me and make fun of my obsession for turtles and Star Wars but they had their nerdy side too. Especially Amelia. 

I don't know. I would say that life was going pretty good. 

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, tracing random shapes on my chest. 

"Everything, about today, about Kellin and Vic, about you." 

Oh yeah, Kellin and Vic became a thing after Amelia and I. They said that since we always went everywhere together hand in hand that they didn't care what anyone thought about being with the same sex. It didn't affect me in the least so I fully supported it. They were my friends and I want them to be happy and if being together can make that happen then who am I to get in the way?

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