Mystery Boy (Perrciado) (TRIGGERING)

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A few things before we start.
🐢 This will be very cliche
🐢 I'm thinking of making this into an actual story? Lemme know if you guys would want that.
🐢 Its gonna have something that I've written a lot about but these are my favorite kind of stories
🐢 It's going to be mainly flashbacks! 
And finally
🐢 This is dedicated and was requested by piercedtyler 

{Play When Specified}

It was finally happening and I couldn't be any happier than I was in this very moment. We've had our ups and downs but who doesn't? Not everyone agreed with our relationship but we didn't care.

I loved him.


"C'mon sweetie! Time for school!" my mom called out. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I didn't want to go to a new school. Not again.

You see, my dad is in the military so we're constantly moving around because of his work. I'm only 17 and I've been to thirteen different schools. I always get the same treatment every time and its not the good kind, either. People stare because I'm a tad bit different than them and I have confidence in myself whereas they all dress the same to fit in and look like a fucking... I'm not even sure what they try to look like but its weird!

"Nuh uh uh! Get out of bed and get dressed!" she said as she tore the blanket from my body. "Ma!"

She laughed and left the room. I had no choice but to get up already so that's what I did. I stumbled into my closet and ripped the closest shirt to me off of the hanger and did the same with some a random pair of jeans. Don't wanna go to school naked, now do I?

After I was ready, I made my way downstairs and saw my mom watching the morning news. Gross.
"I'm outta here!" I yelled in her ear. She screamed and jumped off the couch. "Oh my gosh! Why would you do that!?" she playfully slapped my arm and pushed me towards the door. "Go or you'll be late."

I laughed and ran out the door, completely unprepared for the day.


My schedule was a bit crazy and I was a little lost. But being the new kid more than once, I got used to asking people for help.

Actually, I met someone because he helped me. He said that if I wanted to that I could hang out with him and his friends. I think his name was something along the lines of Vic? Not too sure but whatever. I had to meet him in front of the library so I wouldn't have to go into the cafeteria alone- which really wasn't a problem for me.

That's where I currently am. Waiting on this dude. It felt weird being the new kid and standing in the middle of the school as every one passed by. Everyone but Vic or whatever his name was. I should probably learn it. I glanced down at my phone screen, checking the time before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I brought my attention back up and saw a boy there with a little pad. He held it out to me so I could read it.

'Are you Jaime??'

"In the flesh," I answered. He smiled and then wrote something else down. He told me that Vic sent him and that I had to follow him. I was a bit skeptical but I did it anyways. What could he possibly do?

Mystery boy led me through the hallways and through two big doors. The cafeteria was on the other side of those and I did not expect it to be anything like this! There was so many people and I instantly knew why Vic wanted me to come with him rather than by myself. The boy took me a table in the far corner and I recognized Vic. "Hey! Weren't you gonna go get me?" 

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