Something Old (Tony Perry) pt. 2

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I woke up to groaning the next day and I just knew that Amelia was already paying the price of last night.

"I hate you so much," she muttered. I laughed and rolled over to face her. "That's not what you were saying last night," I joked. Her face reddened and she tried to cover herself but it was already too late.

"Are you blushing?" I asked, teasing her.

"You have got to get your head out of the clouds, Perry," she reprimanded. "What time is it?"

I reached for my phone and checked the time, "11:54."

"Are you being serious?" she asked, eyes wide. I showed her my phone and she shot out of bed and ran to her dresser, throwing clothes out as she looked for something to wear. 

I sighed and stood up, quietly debating what I was going to eat for breakfast today. "Can you hand me that?" she asked. I looked over to where she was pointing and picked the the brush, handing it over and disheveling my hair. 

Amelia threw on a dress and the same flats from last night, quickly running though her hair. "I'm so late." 

"You sound like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. What are you running late for?" I asked, picking out a band tee from my dresser. I took my shirt off and tossed it aside before putting the other one on. 

She glared at me, hands on her hips, "I'm late for a tutor session." I scoffed. There was no way in hell that she needed tutoring after all the fucking studying she does on a daily basis. "I was going to tutor someone in microbiology!" 

I gulped, I wasn't going to say anything back because I was in the same boat as that kid. As I said before, school is not my thing and microbio certainly isn't either. "Better get a move on," I said awkwardly. 

"Ya think?" Amelia groaned and threw the brush behind her as she stormed out of the room, my eyes following her every move.

"Well that's one way to start off a Saturday," I muttered.


I walked into my dorm, baseball jersey in hand as sweat ran down my face.

Amelia was sitting on her bed, looking down at her swinging feet.

"Um, are you okay?" I asked, setting my things down on the floor. She glanced up, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Never been better. Why didn't you tell me today was your birthday?"

I shrugged, nonchalantly. "It doesn't matter. Its just another day to me. Ey look at me, I'm twenty two." I raised my arms and did a little dance, making her laugh at my goofyness. 

"It's not just another day though, Tony Perry. It's the day that you were born and I never would've gotten to know you if you were never born now would I?" 

She did have a point but I didn't see myself as anything special, really. I was a twenty two year old student that came from a rich family, played a lot of baseball as he grew up and drinks redbulls to stay up during tests in class. That just about summed me up. 

"I bet that you know how to do something and nobody knows except maybe your hyperactive friend down the hall." It wasn't impressive that she knew I kept a secret because let's be real, we all have them and as I said, I'm just another human. 

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