Thin. (Fuenciado)

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♡Triggering topics in this one shot, please be aware♡

He stepped on the scale, anxiety rising up in his body.

101.04 lbs.

"Goddamnit!" He yelled as he tugged at his hair. He was so close to being 100 pounds today, May 17, as it was his goal but he couldn't even do that.

It was easy. Don't eat. But he ate anyways and he hated himself for it. He looked up and caught his reflection staring back at him.

Tears blurred his eyes, making them glossy and red, and ran down his cheeks as they stained them. "You're a pig. It was so fucking easy and you still couldn't do it!" The words flowed from his lips with such ease but were filled with so much hatred, and disgust.

The boy shook his head and lifted the toilet seat up before bending over and grabbing a popsicle stick. Most people used their fingers or even their toothbrush but he found that a stick was easiest for him.

He stuck the wooden tool down his throat and gagged. 'Do it!' The voice in his head said. With a couple more rubs on his throat, he was finally able to make himself throw up the water from a few minutes prior to the daily weigh in.

It wasn't much but from experience, the boy knew that drinking water could add unwanted weight and he just had to get rid of it before he had a panic attack over not reaching his goal. He took a deep breath before turning on his heel and stepping on the scale, keeping his eyes off of the numbers. As the scale weighed him, the boy frowned at his reflection. He looked disgusting and he hated it but just a few more weeks of this and he'd be thin in no time at all.

After a few more seconds, he looked down at the scale again.

101.02 lbs

He wasn't going to stop until he reached 100 by today but on the bright side, it was only ten am and he had all day to work at this.


"So you're not doing anything for your birthday?" His boyfriend asked him over the phone.

"Mom wants to but I'm just not feeling it. I'm turning 19 not 75 and I just don't see the point if I'm going to be in my room all day with you," he replied.

"Mijo, come down for a second please?" He heard his mom call from downstairs. He frowned in confusion before turning his attention back to the boy on the line. "Hey, I gotta go, Vic. She's calling me down but you should totally come over later!"

"For sure!"

After their bid farewells, the boy ran down the stairs and saw his mom in the kitchen.


She turned around with a smile on her face. "Jaime! Oh my baby," she said, happily as she squished his face and pecked the tip of his nose. "Happy birthday, honey."

Jaime made a fake face of disgust when she retrieved her icy cold hands from his face and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "It's not that special, mom. I'm just another year older and another year closer to death," he said.

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