Something New (Tony Perry)

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I rolled over and pulled the blankets over my head as I tried to block out the light. 

"According to Jem, what are mixed children, and why are they sad?" my roommate whispered as she tried to stay quiet but it wasn't working. 

"For fucks sake Amelia! What are you doing now?" I asked, sitting up  and seeing her on her bed as she sat against the wall, the eraser of her pencil in between her teeth. "Sorry, did I wake you?" she asked, her accent lacing through her soft voice. 

I shook my head, "No, I had trouble sleeping. Can you answer my question though?" 

"I'm trying to finish my assignment," she replied with a cheeky smile, "What else would I be doing?" 

"Oh, I don't know, sleeping? You should try that sometime but I forget that you're some kind of vampire." 

She scoffed as I stood up and went to the mini-fridge that we shared and took out a water bottle. "I don't sleep, I have more important things to do than sleep and you as my roommate should know that considering that it has already been close to a year." 

"Oh shit! I can't remember the last time that I had a good night's rest actually. But c'mon Lia, there are school hours for a reason- you can't possibly be doing work 24 hours straight, can you?" I asked after taking a sip of the water. Amelia sighed and set her books aside and scooted to the edge of the bed so her legs were hanging off. 

"I'm here on a scholarship and I cannot afford to let my grades slip or I get sent back to London! Do you not realize how embarrassing that would be?!" 

I held a hand to my chest, faking to know what she could be feeling right now, "Oh the flawless tragedy of being sent back to London. No, you know that? That's bullshit. You're a straight A student and we're going to have some fun." I walked over to her, throwing her covers off and pulling her up on her feet. 

"Perry! What do you think you're doing!? I have to study!" 

"You can study when you get back but right now I'm going to show you what a girl your age should really be doing at 3 in the morning so get dressed and we'll go." 

Amelia's jaw dropped, making me smirk. Boy was she in for a surprise, "And bring your ID." After I ordered her to get ready, I left the room and walked down the hallway to my best friend Jaime's room. He paid a bit more to have his own room so I wasn't worried about walking in and waking someone up, someone that wasn't him anyway. 

I unlocked the door using the spare key that I made for myself before quietly slipping in to collect my wallet. 'Why does Jaime have your wallet?' you maybe asking yourself. Well you see, I have a habit of spending my weekly earnings on complete bullshit so Jaime here decided that it would be best if he kept it from me. Does it work? Nah, not really but it lets him rest easy. 

Once I have my wallet, I sneak back out and walk the short distance to my shared room. I knock before I walk in, remembering that Amelia was getting dressed. I heard a faint 'come in' so I slowly opened the door just a little and peeked in to see her slipping on a pair of flats. "Can you please tell me what we're doing?" she asked in a pleading voice but I shook my head. 

"Not yet, princess. Good things come to those who wait. Now let's get out of here." I turned off the lamp that she had on to study and pushed her out the door as she whined about studying. I didn't see how she needed it because she was already so smart and people envied her for it. Granted, I envied her too because no matter how much I seemed to put more effort into my schooling I just couldn't get the grades that she had. 

I walked her to my car and unlocked it, hopping on the drivers side and she hesitantly took her spot on the passengers side. "Will I hate you after this?" She asked, clasping her hands on her lap. I laughed, "That's for you to decide. You'll either have a good time and love me or you'll regret listening to me and change room." 

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