Friday 1:41pm

65 4 1

"So do you want to record the video before you go home tomorrow?" He signed.

"Yeah, let me just fix my make up when we get there, "we walked down the hall.


Alex and I talking but, of course Charlotte had to say something.

"Ew Kyle why are you doing that weird thing with your hands with deaf girl," she rolled her eyes. "She's so dumb," she laughed to her friends.

I was about to protest but, then Alex said something. "I'm dumb?" She scoffed. "I know 2 languages, while you can barely learn one. I can also read your lips, so read mine." She waited a second, "you're a bitch."

We were about to walk away, but Alex stopped. "Also," she put her hands on my neck, getting on her tippy toes. She kissed me on the lips, she pulled away. "You lost him a long time ago." Then Alex walked away.

I followed her outside, when I caught up with her. "I'm sorry about that, I probably shouldn't have done that," she told me.

"It's okay," I shrugged my shoulders. We started walking I stopped in my tracks, "actually no it's not," I signed.

"Wait wh-" I cut her off. I grabbed her face, leaning a little bit down.

I put my lips against hers, she grabbed my sides as I moved my lips with hers. Is this why I always wrapped my arms around her when we slept? Or when I constantly worry about her?

I pulled back, putting my forehead against hers. "Is this actually gonna happen?" I asked.

"Please, let it do," She smiled.

I put my hands on the side of her face and kissed her forehead. "Of course," I pulled her into a hug.

We started walking home, Alex was on my back. Her arms were around my neck and her legs around my waist.

We got home and went to my room. I started setting up the lighting and camera. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get water," Alex said.

"Okay," I signed.

When I finished setting up, Alex came back and sat next to me. I tweeted out, 'Give me questions for a girlfriend/boyfriend tag'.

I started the video, we fixed our hair. We laughed at each other.

"Okay hey guys," I said and signed. "Today me and Alex are gonna be doing a video tag called girlfriend/boyfriend tag. I asked you guys on Twitter for questions." I got my phone out, "Alex would you like to read off some questions?"

"Sure," she smiled.

"By the way, I'm doing ASL for Alex. I want her to understand what I'm saying," she smiled at me.

"Okay ready?" She asked me. I nodded, "when did we meet?"

"You were walking to school, and I fell on you. You scraped your knee and we walked to school together."


By the end of the video, Kyle had pulled me closer. We were holding hands, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Okay so if you liked this video give it a thumbs up, and subscribe to be notified when I upload a video," he turned off the camera.

He got up, put the card into the computer. He sat down on the chair, "come on Alex."

I got up, I straddled his waist. He put his hand on my back. I kissed his cheek and pulled back.

He whispered, "you're so cute." He put his hands on the sides of my cheeks. Kyle's brushed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his back pulling his even closer. Making our lips touch, he let off a little grin.

"God I'm gonna miss you being in my arms when you go home," he pulled back.

"I'm gonna just miss you all the time even though you just live down the street," I smiled.

"You know what I'll edit later. I just want to hold you," he picked me up, making me laugh.

He put us on the bed, he kissed me more slowly. Like he wanted to savor it. Like how a villain in a movie waits to kill the superhero, giving him enough time to escape.

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