Thursday 9:26am

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We both quickly either turned around or looked up at the hallway where the stairs and the door were. There was a dark figure, hasn't shaved in what could be weeks. A figure I haven't seen in soon to be a year. My father.

Kyle and I stood up, "what are you doing here?" I asked through my teeth that were closed together.

"I came to get a few things I left, I told your mom," he informed me.

"It's the basement," I looked at him, "I'll go get it." I left my boyfriend and father in the same room.

I went down to the basement, I grabbed a heavyish box that was in the corner next to the bookcase. I heard a loud crash, my face changed.

I ran upstairs holding the box with a tight grip. I stopped in my tracks, dropping the box. The stuff on the table were broken on the floor, and replaced with Kyle's body. My father was holding his neck trying to suffocate him.

I jumped over the couch and pulled my father off of Kyle. I looked at my father, "Get Out!" I pointed to the door. "Get out and take your shit with you. We will never need you ever again, your worthless," he angrily grabbed the box and walked out.

Once I turned around, Kyle was standing up rubbing his neck. I sighed, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone with him."

"Hey it's okay," he put his hands on my sides. "You didn't know," he kissed my forehead.

"I'm just," my voice made it obvious I was scared and about to cry. "I'm just scared and I don't know what to do," a tear left my eyes. "You're the only way that I stay strong. I don't want him to scare you away from me," my voice caught in my throat.

He pulled me into his arms, "I'm not going anywhere."

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