Saturday 3:42pm

42 5 0

Right now I'm about to do a video with The Psychic Twins. I'm kinda scared to be honest.

Also I still barely talk to Kyle. I just don't know what to say to him right now.

"Ready?" Shane asked us. We all nodded and he turned on the camera. We're recording my video first, then the one for their channel.

"Hey guys, it's Max. Today I'm here with obviously The Psychic Twin!" They smiled at me, "I'm very excited but also very scared." I laughed a little bit, "and also I don't know how this works."

"Don't worry, you're not gonna die. Hopefully," we all laughed.

"So I'm sensing a lot of stress in the past," Terry said.

"I was deaf for most of my life," I told her.

"Ah yes, there's also a guy. A guy who not too pleased but misses you," Linda had her eyes closed. "He's very mad but not at you. More towards to himself," Terry nodded.

"I felt the same thing," Terry agreed.

"It feels like a K name to me," the both agreed with each other.

"My boyfriend and my fathers named both start with a K," I told them. I shifted in my seat a little.

"What are their names?" Linda asked.

"Kyle and Keegan," I told them.

"Defiantly Kyle," they both nodded. "Has anyone recently past away?" Terry moved her pen around the paper.

"Yeah my Nana," I nodded. On the brink of tears because I haven't told anyone about that. "She died of Cancer," I wiped my eyes.

"Can you get her some tissues," Linda said to Shane. He ran to one of the back bedroom. He came back giving them to me.

"I feel your Nana in our presents right now, that's why I ask," Terry told me.

"Is she mad? Why is she here?" I asked.

"She's watching over you," Linda nodded. "She said you're in distress, and she wants to protect you," they smiled.

"Okay let's do one more thing and then the rest will go on your channel," I told them.

"I feel people having a lot of love towards you. Like your with them almost everyday or so," Linda smiled. "Like they're a family towards you."

"Um I'm staying in LA with some of my friends," I nodded.

"Ah yes yes they're worried about you just like that Kyle is," Terry told me.

After finishing both videos, I asked Damon to take me back to Bryan and Johnnies apartment. I haven't be there since Thursday, I've been staying with Damon. He dropped me off, and told me to call him if I need anything.

I walked upstairs and went inside, Bryan was sitting on the couch. "Hey Alex, where ya been?" He looked at me.

"I was Shane, and Damon. Where is everyone?" I asked him.

"They went get pizza," he told me, "want to go sit on the balcony with me?" He asked.

"Sure," we both went outside and sat on the chairs with are feet up. I'm kinda tired, but I need to talk to Kyle before I fall asleep.

Too late.

I gently felt my body being lifted up, I opened my eyes. "Kyle," I whispered.

"I'm right here," he said laying me on the couch. "Why don't you get some sleep?" He pulled a blanket over me.

"But we need to talk," my voice was raw.

"We can talk in the morning," he started walking away.

"Kyle," I spoke up. He turned to me, "can you lay with me?" I asked.

"Sure," he nodded he came over laid down. I pulled the blanket on him too.

I started falling asleep again as I heard, "don't ever scare me like that again. I thought you got kidnapped," his arms wrapped around me.

"I won't," I yawned tiredly.

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