Wednesday 11:17pm

56 3 0

All of us were on the bus to Disney, it was really crowded. When the bus made a sudden stop I was standing up, Kyle grabbed me. He pulled me on his lap before I fell.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thanks for catching me," I nuzzled my face into his neck.

"You're welcome, now stop," he laughed.

I shook my head, "no way."

He started laughing too loud and people started looking at him. He slapped my bare thigh, to him it seemed like he was trying to make me stop. Yet to others, it looked very sexual.

I chuckled a little bit and I kissed his cheek. "God I love you," I smiled at him. I stood up again with Bryan.

"Wait what did I do?" He continuously asked. I didn't tell him until we got off the bus.

When I told him, his eyes, and mouth both widen. "Wait wait wait no," he shook his head. "I didn't mean for it to seem like that," I grabbed both of his hands.

"Stop worrying, it was cute" I laughed. I walked over to Bryan, I just onto his back

He snapchated, "you guys, this girl thinks I'm a horse."

"I sure do," I smiled.

I felt and arm wrap around my waist and pull my off of Bryan. "Well I'm her horse, fuck off Bryan," he said it sexually.

I slapped him, "you nasty idiot." I laughed giving his a kiss.

We went past security, and Kyle wanted to make a video out of this.
"Hey guys I'm here at Disney World with 5 of 7 MDE members and Tyler, Bailey and Alex. We want to get Alex on her first rollercoaster EVER! So we're going to Everest straight away, see you when we get there."
He turned it off.

Kyle put his arm around me, letting me wrap my arms around his torso. His kissed the top of my head and smiled at me. I shook my head at him.

When we got to there the line wasn't that bad. After 15 minuets of Kyle recording random bits, we finally got seated in it.

I asked Kyle, "this doesn't go backwards right?"

"I doubt it," he wrapped his arm around me again.

The ride started going and all of a sudden, there was a broken track. The ride stopped, I grabbed Kyle's hand and it started going

I was freaking out, then in the complete dark it comes to a complete sudden stop. Over the intercom, "Passengers, at this time we are trying to get the ride working again. Hold tight as we figure this out."

So we were in the dark, stuck and my leg was wedge between two metal things. I wasn't looking at Kyle at the moment. He pulled out his phone, "so we just got stuck on Everest. It's really dark except for the flash light on everyone's phone. This is so cr-"

I kinda made and accidental sniffle, he completely stopped talking. "Alex are you okay?" He asked me.

I shook my head 'no', still not looking at him. He turned off his camera, and turned on just his flashlight. "Babe what's going on?" He asked.

"M-my leg is stuck," I mumbled. When I looked at him, he seen the tears in my eyes.


"I don't know," I cried out, quietly.

He put his flashlight on it, "it's stuck between the door and the holder." He seemed just as scared as I was. He kissed my forehead, "we'll get you out."

Very carefully he slipped under the holder, he stood up putting the flash light on him. "Everyone on this ride, I need your help. My girlfriends leg is stuck and we need to get her out, possibly to a hospital." He looked at me as I continued to cry. "Can you all scream help with me, so that they hear us?" He asked.

Everyone said yes. He sat back down and everyone started screaming for help. I held his hand tighter than I ever had before.

Shannon and Tyler were behind us, Shannon put her hand on her shoulder as she continued yelling with everyone. Suddenly, to black shadows started walking.

Everyone became silent, "who needs help?" They asked.

Shannon stood up, pointing to me, "She does."

"Ma'am please sit down," they said to her.

"No, okay because of your ride my friend might have a broken leg. So you know what, you guy come help her." For a second they didn't do anything, "now!" she shouted.

They hurried up over to me, they broke open out door first. Then started helping everyone else out of the ride.

Kyle got out first, my leg was completely numb. He picked me out and followed the trail that the guys came from.

Once we reached the bottom, they had doctors their and took all of us to the office this they had.

They told me that it was just bruised and to take it easy tonight. We decided to just go back to the hotel and order pizza.

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