Tuesday 2:45pm

41 6 5

Kyle tweeted 'Alex and I are going on Younow in 5 minutes.'

He finished fixing his hair, and put a beanie on. We went outside, sitting under a tree. Once it was 2:50 he started the broadcast.

"Hey guys, let me tweet this out," it took him a second before putting his attention on Younow. "Wow so um tour this week. On the 23rd it's over and I wanted to start off by telling what will happen after this."

I leaned against him, giving him a smile. "Okay so when we were in Ohio that was the first time I've been there in awhile. It made me realize that I don't like how I've been doing things. So after the tour I feel I should go home, so does Alex. Which Alex just found out she had a brother, which his mother died so now her mom is taking care of him. She feel the need to spend some time with him."

People were asking for photos of Max, but I didn't really have any. So I just didn't show them anything, "Anyways, this year in the Fall, Alex is doing something incredible. She's trying out for America's Got Talent. Everyone pushed her to try out, so we're happy she's actually doing it."

"Kyle stop showing me off," I laughed at him.

"I'm just extremely proud of you," he gave me a kiss. "And I extremely love you," he smirked, giving me another kiss.

"I extremely love you too," we looked back at the screen fan girls were freaking out. We both started laughing, "oh my."

"I really do have to love my fans," Kyle chuckled, shacking his head at all the 'OMG''s.

"You better," I kissed his cheek. "So are you guys gonna watch my audition?" I asked. "I'll tell you went it is when I find out," they were giving me a lot of support.

"You guys crack me up."

11:34amWhere stories live. Discover now