Thursday 9:26am

42 3 1

Like usual, I was the first to be awake. Kyle's arms were draped around me. I smiled at him, he looks younger while he sleeps. Maybe everyone does.

There was a knock on the door, I slowly got up and went over there. I opened it, "hey Damon," I rubbed my tiresome eyes.

"Hey Alex is anyone else awake?" He asked.

"No it's just me. Why are you awake?" I asked him smiling.

"I never went to sleep, come get Starbucks with me. No one else will," he pleaded. "I'm paying," he smiled.

"Fine let me grab my jacket," I laughed. I went over to the couch grabbing my jacket. I kissed Kyle's forehead before leaving.

We walked down the street to Starbucks. We orders and then sat down. "So why didn't you come on Warped Tour wth Kyle?" He asked me.

"I had to go to London for the summer," I shrugged.

My phone started ringing as Damon went to get our coffees. "Hello?" I answered as I stood up.

"Where are you I'm worried sick," it was Kyle he must of woke up.

"I'm getting coffee with Damon," I told him. "Do you want me to get you a coffee?" I asked him.

"No, please just get home," he told me.

"Okay I'll be there in a minute," I hung up.

Damon came over giving me my ice coffee. "Who was that?" He asked.

"Kyle, he was worried," I shrugged. "Let's start heading back there," I smiled.

"Alright," he nodded. He opened the door for me.

We walked into the apartment laughing. Kyle was sitting on the couch waiting for me. When he looked up at us, we froze.

"Hey Alex, I'll just text you later," Damon put his hand on my shoulder as he walked to the door.

"Thanks for coffee," I said quietly. Once he left, "Kyle why are you being so protective?" I asked.

"I'm not being protective, you just left without telling me," he argued.

"Well you were sleeping," I defended myself, putting my phone and coffee down.

"You couldn't have woken me up?" Our voices got louder.

"No, you were sleeping. I knew you were tired, so why would I disturb you?" I shouted at him. His phone has texts coming in non stop. There was a girls name, not a familiar name.

"Because I'd like to know where you're going," he shouted even louder.

"You're not my father! You're my boyfriend. And I might've not really had a father growing up, but that doesn't mean you can step in!" I grabbed my phone and coffee. I walked out of the apartment, slamming the door as hard as I could. The loud sound made me flinch a little.

I called Damon, "Hey Alex he hasn't killed you yet?" He asked.

Embarrassingly I said, "I need you to come pick me up." I walked out of the building.

"Okay I'm turning around right now," he informed me. "I'll be there in a minute, hang tight," we hung up.

Once I saw he car come into view I held myself a little. Kyle and I never really fought, it's weird when we do.

I climbed into the car, "thank you for coming back." I thanked him with a smile.

"It's no problem," he smiled back, "what happened while I was gone?" He asked.

"We started arguing and it just wasn't pretty," I shook my head.

"Well cheer up, we're going to see one of my friends. He's getting his getting a reading from the Physic Twins," he started to drive.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Matthew Lush," the inter fangirl in me screamed. "Have you watched him?" He asked.

"Of course I do!" I shouted with a smile.

We got to The Physic Twins house, Matthew was there and so was Shane Dawson...I'm about to die.

While they were recording the video Shane leaned over to me. "You're a friend of theirs?"

"Damon's," I nodded my head.

"You should get a reading from them," he whispered.

"I don't know maybe," I smiled.

"I've seen your videos they're really good. My favorite was the Everest one."

"Oh the one I almost died in?" I asked.

"Yeah that one," he laughed.

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