Saturday 4:56pm

30 4 0

Max fell asleep on the flight, I carried him off the flight. For a 6 year old, he doesn't weigh that much. He was quite slim, must run in the family.

Once we got his luggage, he woke up. He gripped my hand tightly, Max was still very tired from the flight and time change.

As we waiting, I swatted down and talked to him. He had a lot to say about a lot of things.

"Alex!" I heard I stood up grabbing Max's hand. I seen Kyle coming over to us, along with Sam and my mom.

"Hey," I smiled, "so this is Max. He's my little brother."

Kyle looked confused, but said something to Max, "you have the best sister in the world." That made Max giggle.

"Come on guys I want to get Max settled in before we leave," I told them. "We only have 6 shows left, the last one is on the 23rd."

Once we got to the car, I set Max in middle of the back seat. Sam sat next to him, she was really good with him. That made me happy. Kyle sat on the other side of him.

"So Max are ready to meet more people?" I turned to him.

"Are they nice?" He asked quietly.

"Yes," I nodded. "They're really nice," I smiled, squeezing his hand.

"Can we have cake?" He asked me.

"I'm pretty sure we can," I nodded with a smile.

When we got to my house, I repacked my tour bag. Max was hanging out with everyone downstairs.

My door opened, I looked out and I seen Sam came in closing the door behind her. "Hey Alex, taking everything in?" She asked me.

"Yeah kind of," I nodded.

"How often are you gonna come back home?" She sat down on the bed.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I usually come home during holidays but what about him. I don't know what to do," I fell back on the bed.

"You're 18 you don't always have to come home," I agreed with her.

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