Chapter 9: Breakdown Part 2

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A/N: I'm not sorry.

Kevin knocked on Double D's door for the fifth time.
"Something's wrong. He's never missed school two days in a row..."
He pulled out his phone and dialed his number once again. He rang the doorbell one final time before walking to the side of the house. He pulled open the loose basement window and felt around for the key that Double D had hidden on top of the large cabinet.

"Please be okay..."
He ran back to the door and tried to force the key into the hole. He let out an annoyed sigh before going around to the back of the house. The key slid into the hole and turned with ease.

He closed and locked the door before looking around for Double D.
"Eddward? I brought your assignments for this weekend."
He placed the stack of books he was carrying next to an empty container on the kitchen counter. He continued to nervously walk through the silent house.
He was greeted with more silence. He made his way up the stairs and into Double D's room. He knocked before placing his hand on the doorknob and entering the dimly lit room.

Double D lay face down in his bed. One arm dangled lifelessly off of the edge. Various bottles of liquor littered the floor of the room.
He slowly approached the side of the bed.
"Eddward? It's me."
The arm slowly came to life and raised its middle finger to the boy. Kevin gently wrapped his hands around the raven's. A pale blue eye peeked out from the pillow and tried to focus on the person in front of it.

"Heh, this one's real..."
"Eddward, did you drink all of this by yourself?"
"So whaddif I did Pummkin?"
"You can't do this to yourself!"
Double D pulled his hand away and let it fall back over the bed. The eye disappeared back into the pillow.
"Please. Let me help you."
Kevin timidly placed a hand on Double D's red shoulder. The arm shot back to life and weakly pushed him away.
"Isaid fugoff!"
"Why did you do this?"
Double D lifted his head and tried to focus on one of the gingers in front of him. His lips formed into a mocking sneer.
"Tch... dunact like you care."
"But I do care!"
The sneer was quickly replaced by a frown.
"You're juz like them."
Double D propped himself up on one elbow and reached out to caress Kevin's cheek. His voice suddenly became clear.
"Heh... maybe I'll forget your face too."

The warm hand disappeared from Kevin's face as Double D suddenly collapsed back onto the pillow. He let out a pitiful groan before the room fell silent again. Hazy blue eyes fluttered before falling still. A few seconds passed before limp limbs made a pathetic attempt to crawl out of bed. He felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him while a warm body tried to push him back into the bed. He fought to stay upright as he returned the embrace. His lips grazed Kevin's neck before his head fell limply onto the ginger's shoulder.
"Eddward, please lay back down."
"Why dun you ever listen?"
"I'm not going to leave you like this Eddward."
"Heh... Ishould stay thissway then."
Double D groggily reached for the half empty bottle of tequila on his dresser. Kevin tried to push the bottle out of the raven's reach. The sudden movement and Double D's heavy, rag doll-like body caused the two to topple to the floor. Long black hair spilled onto Kevin's face.

Double D weakly pulled himself up and brought his face close to Kevin's. Their noses brushed against each other as his long hair shielded their faces from what little light was in the room.
"Stay here."
"I can't..."
He stared at Kevin through half-lidded eyes. A pleading smile touched his lips.
"Dungo Pummkin."
"I'm sorry Eddward. I have no control over this."
Tears softly fell onto Kevin's cheeks.
"Dunchu know Ineed you?"
Double D's lips crashed against his. Kevin was suddenly overwhelmed by the taste of alcohol as a warm tongue snaked its way into his mouth. It brushed itself against his before disappearing a moment later.
Their cheeks brushed against each other before Double D's head hit the floor. Soft sobs gently shook his limp body.
"Eddward, calm down. It'll be okay. I'll come back to visit."

Kevin carefully turned Double D onto his back. He placed the heavy head onto his lap and gently brushed the dark hair out of his face. He let out a small gasp as his fingers grazed the deep scar that cut through the black locks. A weak hand placed itself onto his. Red rimmed eyes stared up at him.

"Kevin... Don't leave me."

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