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I fall to my knees and burry my face in my hands letting my tears loose. All of the commotion woke my brother up and I can hear him walk up behind me.

"Alexis... What's going on? Are you okay?" He kneels down to my level and rubs light circles on my back.

"M...Mom kicked m...me out..." I manage to say through my tears. He decides not to question me, which I'm thankful for, and instead he pulls me into a hug.

I stay there for a minute until I realize that it's 6 in the morning, so I pull away and walk to my bedroom. I lay down and cry myself to sleep. Same as the night before.

Hours later, I wake up. For a second, I forget about everything that just happened. I forgot I had school today... I decide to just blow it off. It's Friday, and I have to leave tonight.

I get up and walk to the bathroom I decide to take a shower. I turn the hot water on and hop in. Standing under the water and thinking about everything...

After my shower, I hop out and wrap a towel around my body because I forgot to grab clothes. I leave the bathroom and enter my bedroom, closing the door behind me. It's 1pm... I have 11 hours to pack up, and leave my house. I get dressed, nothing fancy, just leggings and a t-shirt. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and decide on no makeup.

*knock knock knock*

"Come in Dyl..." I call to my brother whom is knocking at my door.

"Hey Alexis. I wanted to ask if you wanted to spend some time together? Since... You know..."

I nod. "Sure. I'd love to."

We walk to the front door and I pull on a pair of my vans.

"Where to?" I ask him as we get into his car.

"Um... Im not sure yet. I was thinking the Diner, then we could go to Ashton's house? Lisa is going to meet us over there." Ashton is Dylan's best friend. Lisa is Dylan's girlfriend. I hate her.

"Um... Sure. That's fine..." I say unsure of myself.

"Kay cool." He says with a bright smile.

We pull up at the diner and hop out.

"God... We used to come here with dad all the time as kids..." He says, putting his arm around my shoulders.


"Do you know the reason they got a divorce? It has always been a mystery to me... Like, things were going fine and then bam! Divorce..."

I choke on my spit a little. "Oh... Um... No... No I never knew..."

We walk into the diner and a beautiful waitress greats us and takes us to our booth.

"Can I get you two something to drink to get started?" She asks politely.

"Um, two lemonades and two waters." He pauses and looks at me. "Yeah?" I nod. The waitress walks off to get our drinks and we look at the menus.

"I don't know why I'm looking at the menu. I'm just going to get my usual..."

"Yeah... Me too."

A minute later, the waitress returns with our drinks.

"Are you guys ready to order or do you need a few minutes yet?"

"No we're ready." I start. "I'll have a grilled cheese with a side of waffle fries."

"And I'll have a cheeseburger. Also with waffle fries."

She writes our orders down and walks away with a smile.

After lunch, we drive in the direction of Ashton's house. He lives about 2 hours away in the next town over. That's why whenever Dylan has the chance to see Ashton, he takes it.

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