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***Two years later***
"Luke!" I yell.

"Yeah?!" He yells back up to me.

"You sure I can come?"

"Yeah! Come on!"

I hurriedly change clothes and pull on my shoes.

"Okay... Yep she's coming... Alright... Yep... All of it... You guys there? Okay... I don't know... I'm kind of nervous..." I hear him on the phone."

"Mhm." I clear my throat.

"Yeah Ashton. Yep I'll see you in a couple minutes. Bye." He hangs up. "You ready?"

"Yep." I say putting my phone in my pocket.

We leave the house and climb into the car.

"Luke, I thought we were going to hang out at Ashton's. Where are we going?"

"The park."


"Because the boys wanted to hang out there."


After a while, we pull into the parking lot and walk into the park.

It truly is beautiful. It's kind of a private place. That's why we walked.

There's a waterfall and a beach. There's caves. It's really nice.

We walk around for a while and sit down to a picnic.

"Let's go down to the beach." Luke suggests.

"I don't have my swimsuit." I comment.

He turns around and pulls a swimsuit out of his bag.

"You bought me a new swimsuit?" I ask in shock,

"Yeah. It's the one you wanted isn't it?"

"Yeah. Gosh thank you." I say and hug him.



We stand up, pack up our stuff, and walk down to the beach and waterfall area and there's no one there. It's relatively private so I go into a cave to quickly change into the suit.

"Can you clip it?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says and clips it.

We swim for a while and have a little romantic moment under the waterfall.

"Alright. Let's go."

"Hey wait, weren't we supposed to meet the guys?"

"Yeah. They're coming. Ashton told me he was going to be late."


We get out of the water and walk to our towels.

Luke hands me mine and I turn back around to look at the waterfall.

"It really is beautiful..." I whisper.

"You sure are..." He says back.

I laugh and turn around back towards him.

My towel immediately drops to the sand and I hold my hand up to my mouth, holding back tears.



"What are you doing...?"

"I love you... More than most people... I'm so proud of your growth and strength through all of the tough times..."

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