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I wake up to my phone ringing and look at the clock. 1:06.


I was supposed to be home at 10.


"Alexis?! Where the hell are you?!"

"Dylan? Hi, I...I'm sorry I didn't call. I'm still at Luke's. I'm okay."

"Luke's? Why the hell are you over there?!"

I don't respond.

"Alexis... You're...You're not... Are...Are you...?"

Don't respond.

"Ugh! You are! Aren't you?! You're back together with that douche bag?!"

I nod then realize he can't see me. "Y...Yes... I...I am..."

"Why Alexis?"

"Dylan I..."

"No! How stupid could you be? He's just going to break up with you again! Probably for some other chick! Like that blonde he used to date! Heck, he probably fucked her when you guys were apart... Wouldn't be surprised..."

"Dylan! No he wouldn't!" I yell and Luke shuffles next to me, so I stand up and walk over to the glass doors to the porch.

"Alexis, I'm sure he would. He used to bring home a girl almost every night from what I've heard from Ashton..."

"Dylan! Shut up! I fucking love him! And I know very well that he loves me too! I know you don't approve of us being together but you're just going to have to deal with it! Okay? So get the fuck over yourself and think about someone else for a change!"

"Alexis I-"

"No Dylan." I pause and sigh. "You don't need to explain to me. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodbye." I hang up and turn around, seeing Luke wide awake and facing me.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asks as I sit back down on the bed.


"That didn't sound like nothing..."

"Dylan got worried cause I didn't come home so he called. We got in a fight and I hung upon him."

"Oh... Okay. Was it about me?"

I nod.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine..." I say, laying down and snuggling against him.

After a minute of silence, I speak.



"Did...Did you see any girls when we were apart?"

"Princess... We were only apart for two days... I would never. I never stopped loving you. I wouldn't do anything with anyone if it would hurt you. You have to trust me."

I nod.

"Did Dylan put that idea in your head?"

I nod again.

He sighs. "I'm sorry babe. I love you. Dylan knew me when I used to do things a lot. And I'm not afraid to admit that to you. But you have to trust me that I've changed. Okay? I honestly love you and I have for a long time."

By this point, I'm lightly crying. "I love you Luke... So much."

"I love you too princess..." He says and pulls me into a gentle kiss.

"Goodnight." I say when he pulls away.

"Night..." He says and kisses my forehead, me scrunching up my nose on reflex.

"I love that." He says giggling.


"When you scrunch up your nose. You're so cute."

"I'm not cute..."


"I'm not!"

"I love you."


He gasps dramatically.

"What do you mean whatever?"

I chuckle. "You're stupid, and I hate you..."

"Ha! You fucking love me and you know it!"

"Ha! You know I do! Now shut up and let me sleep asshole..."

"You're abusive..."

I laugh and snuggle back into him.

When I'm half asleep he speaks.

"Goodnight princess. I love you..."

I'm to tired and weak to respond. Instead, I fall asleep smiling against his bare chest.

Tell me what you think.

Word count: 596

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