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I wake up. Not abnormally. Or by Luke. Or my phone ringing or anything. I just wake up. And oddly enough, Luke isn't in bed anymore.

I sit up, and it's not until now when I realize how beautiful this room is.

There are light brown floor length curtains tied with strings bordering the balcony doors, a chandelier handing from the center of the ceiling, two(expensive looking) chairs at the bottom of the bed, and a nightstand that appears to be made of mirror material.

Knock knock knock

"Come in." I say as loud as possible, my voice still sounding groggy.

"Morning princess..." Luke says, entering the room, with what looks to be a paper bag in his hand.

"Hi babe. Where've you been?"

"Oh. I went to get an early visit in with my dad. Then I met up with my mom and had breakfast. I brought you back something." He says, sitting on the bed and handing me the bag.

"Awe, thank you." I say and give him a quick kiss.

Knock knock knock

"Come in." Me and Luke say in unison.

"Hi kids. Morning Alexis." Liz greets.

"Morning Liz." I say with a smile.

"Hey, what time are you guys planning on going home today? Because I think your dad wants to see you two again today before you do."

"Oh. Okay. Well we can go home later then. And mom? Will you give us a ride so we don't have to go with Aunt Katie again?"

She giggles "Sure honey. I'll go to the hospital with you and we can go home from there."

"Okay thanks mum."

"Okay. I'll talk to you guys later. Me and Aunt Katie are going out for coffee. She wants to talk. Either of you two want anything?"

"No thank you." Me and Luke say in unison.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, I have to shower." I say and pull the blankets off of me.

"Wait..." Luke says and pulls me into his lap.

"Yes Luke?"

He leans in and kisses me. I pull away.

"Luke... I haven't brushed my teeth yet..."

"And I care why?"

"Because my breath stinks?"

"Oh well. Didn't notice..."

"Luke. I gotta go shower and stuff."

"Ugh. Fine... But Lexis?"


"Have you lost weight?"


"You're really light... How tall are you?"

"Um... 5'4"

"Dang I'm like, a full foot taller than you..."

"Shut up Luke." I say laughing. "What's you're point?"

"Stand up."

I do and he leads me into the bathroom.

"What Luke?"

"Stand on this."

"What? Why?"

"Because. Just do it."

"Luke. I'm fat. We already know this. Why do we have to prove it by me standing on the scale?"

"Alexis. You are not fat. Not please stand on it?"

"Ugh..." I say and stand on the scale.


"I fucking know okay?"

"No... That's not it. You're underweight... Not overweight..."

"Whatever... Now leave so I can shower, loser." I say teasingly.

"Alright. But eat some food while you're in there. Okay?"

"Shut up." I say laughing, closing the door behind him.

I start the shower and slip out of my clothes. I step in and the tears immediately start falling.

I hate this...

Quick chapter because I'm really tired... I'm going to start putting dates at the bottom of my chapters... Yeah...

Tell me what you think.
-M 💗

Word count: 565

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