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"Luke please don't..."
"Luke stop!"
"Luke don't!"

"Alexis... Don't try to stop me... Please..."

His feet start to slip and he spreads his arms like he's going to fly.

"Luke please... Please... I... I... I can't loose you..."

"Oh... Sounds like a personal problem to me..."

"Luke... Don't-"

He's gone.

Another funeral...
More scars...
More black...
Less people...

"Alexis. Alexis wake up."

I jolt up and look around me, noticing Luke, I take a sigh of relief.

"What do you keep having dreams about baby..." He asks worriedly.

"N...Nothing... I...Its not important..."


"It's okay Luke... Really, it is..."

He gives an unsure nod and we lay back down snuggling against each other.

It's not until he wipes my tears away that I realize I'm still crying.

"I'm fine... Really. It's okay."

He doesn't want to believe me, but he does.

"What time is it?"

"1. Why?"



"Have I really been sleeping all day? And how did I get in here?"

"Yes and I carried you. You fell asleep in the car and you wouldn't wake up when I tried. I didn't bother trying to change your clothes so your still wearing my shirt. Which I must say, you look adorable in."

"Oh hush you idiot..."

"You love it..."

"I'll be right back." I say and attempt to get up, but Luke grabs my waist and pulls me back.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm thirsty."

"I'm sure you are..." He whispers and pulls me into a kiss. Me, being the idiot I am, got sucked under his spell.

We kissed for a good couple of minutes before I pull away.

"Luke." I say, putting my hands of his chest.

"But baabbee..." He whines, and starts kissing down my neck.

"Luke." I try to say again, but it comes out more of an involuntary moan, so I try again. "Luke."

"Yes?" He says innocently without detaching his lips from my neck.

"I'll be right back." I say again.

He lets out an aggravated groan but let's me go.

I walk to the kitchen to get something to drink when I see a tall figure standing at the refrigerator.

I let out kind of a scared sequel and he turns around as Luke comes running out of my room responding to my scream.

"What? What happened Alexis-" he cuts himself off with a deep sigh. "Michael... What are you doing awake?"

"Michael?" I ask, very confused.

"Hi Alexis. Sorry I scared you. And I got hungry after Ashton got here."

"Ashton's here?" Me and Luke ask in unison.

"Yeah, he's in the room with Calum right now..."

Me and Luke then walk back to his bedroom and walk in to see Ashton with a bottle of booze in his hand and Calum trying to stay awake on the bed.

"Oh!" Ashton starts, "Look who it is! Luke back stabbing Hemmings! Nice to see you and your little girlfriend have gotten comfortable." He says, walking over to us, never taking his eyes off me. I nervously grab the side of Luke's shirt and he puts his arm protectively around me.

"What? So I'm the bad guy now? Luke's the big bad body guard? That used to be me Alexis... That can still me..." He says, lifting my head up gently. He leans in slightly and Luke tightens his grip on me. "Don't tell me you didn't feel anything when we kissed Lexi..."

I don't respond.

"Well? Did you? Or did you?"

I don't respond, but I put my head back down.

"Alexis! Answer me god dammit!" He yells and throws the bottle to the ground. I jump a little and everyone seems to notice.

"Ashton quit it!" Calum yells and places his hand on Ashton's shoulder just to have Ashton shove him off.

"No. I need to hear something from her." Ashton says, looking back at me.

"Ashton... Stop. Now." Luke says as he rubs up and down my arm.

"Okay... I'll stop... I'll stop. After! I hear her say it."

"Say what?" Luke and Calum say in unison.

"That she felt something between us. That she's ready to date me... Not... You..."

Luke's about to say something but he doesn't.

"I didn't..." I mumble.

"What was that sweetheart?" Ashton asks.

"I didn't." I say stronger, pulling away from my safety blanket, that is Luke, for a second. Ashton looks shocked.

"Ashton... I didn't feel anything between us when we kissed. I wanted and expected to... But I didn't... And believe me... I love you. Just... Just not in the way you want me to... And I'm sorry but I wouldn't leave Luke for you... You mean so much to me. Your my best friend. I'm sorry to say but, you've kinda been like my second brother since I was little. And like you said, you and Dylan used to protect me from well... Everything but, I don't need that as much anymore... Okay? I'm... I'm sorry Ashton..."

And with that, I latch back onto Luke's shirt and we walk back to my bedroom. Right before we enter, we hear a confused Michael.

"What did I miss?" He asks Calum.

I can hear a sobbing Ashton and believe me... I feel horrible, but what was said, needed to be said...

Me and Luke enter my room and snuggle back up under the blankets.



"I'm sorry your part of this mess..."

"Babe... You have to stop apologizing about everything. Your fine. It's fine. I'm fine with being in this mess as long as it means being with you... Okay?"

I give a shy nod and snuggle closer to him.

"Goodnight Luke..."

"Night baby..."

Sorry that these chapters are
getting really short.


Word count: 960

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