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Luke's P.O.V.
I wake up with Alexis snuggled against my chest. I honestly don't know what I'm feeling right now...

We kissed...
I think I like her...
But I can't date her...
I promised...

A second later, she yawns and her eyelids flutter open. God... She's so beautiful... No. I can't think that.

"Morning Alexis."

"Good morning Luke."

I open my mouth to say something when my phone starts ringing. I roll over to answer it, never detaching from Alexis' touch.


"Hey Lukey!" I hear 3 boys' voices through the receiver.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Can we come over? We want to play video games with you. We haven't seen you in days!" They take turns on sentences.

"Sure. Just give me a little while?"

"Okay. But not to long! Bye!"

"Bye guys." And with that, we end the call and I look back down at Alexis. I give her a smile, she returns it.

"My friends are coming over for video games..."


I start to get up but she grabs my wrist, making me stop and turn around.

"Luke... What... What did that mean?"


"What did our, you know, kiss mean?"

"Oh... It can't really mean much of anything... Nothing can change between us. Okay?"

She gives a sad smile and a light nod, "Okay..."

I give her a sad smile back and get up to shower.

After my long shower, I go back into my room, secretly hoping she's still in there. She's not. I go over to my closet and get dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and one of my nirvana shirts. A minute later, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk down stairs to greet my friends.

"Hey guys! Come on in!"

I step out of the way and they run upstairs immediately to my bedroom, me following behind them.

We play about an hour of Black Ops, when Ashton finally speaks to me.

"Where's Alexis?"

"Who?" Michael and Calum say in unison.

"Oh. Alexis is my new roommate guys. It became official last night. That's why I hadn't told you guys yet."

"Cool. And yeah, where is she?"

"Her room? I think."

Right when those words leave my lips, the boys are out the door and down the hall to Alexis' room

Alexis' P.O.V.
I hear a knock at my door, followed by two more. I'm about to yell "come in" but then I remember that Luke's friends were coming over. Instead, I hop up and answer it myself.

"Hello..." I hear someone say in a flirty tone.

I look up and see three boys. Ashton, and two others. Obviously still taller than me... By a lot...


"I'm Michael."
"I'm Calum." The two boys say in unison.

"Hi. I'm Alexis. You must be Luke's friends?"

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