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"Alexis wake up..."

These words are at the back of my head like I'm dreaming.

"Alexis. Really, wake up."

They're clear now.

I open my eyes to four boys hovering over me.


"Good morning Alexis!" They all say.

"What are you guys doing here? And what time is it?"

"It's noon and we came to take you out."

"I'm really kind of a one man kinda girl." I say with a smirk.

"Oh hush. Get up and get ready."

"Where are we going?" I ask as I sit up.




"Wow... Thank you for the detailed description..." I say sarcastically.

"We'll be in the living room. Come out when you're ready."

I give them a smile and nod while they walk out my door, closing it on their way out. I grab an outfit and head to the bathroom for a shower.

After my shower, I pull on my clothes and apply minimal makeup. I just throw my hair up into a messy bun and head to the living room.

"Kay guys, I'm ready." I say as I pull on a pair of my converse.

"Okay." They all say in unison.

"It's creepy when you guys do that..."

"What?" They all say again in unison.

I just laugh and follow them out the door.

"Shotgun!" Michael calls as we walk to Luke's car.

"Nope. Alexis gets shotgun."


"No Mikey. You always get shotgun."

"Fine..." Michael says whilst pouting.

He sticks his tongue out at me as I climb into the passenger side.

The shopping center is about 20 minutes away from Luke and I's house so we have the radio down low as we play stupid car games like I spy and slug bug.

"100 cartons of milk on the wall! 100 cartons of milllkkk! Take one down pass it around, 99 cartons of milk on the wall!" Calum yells, all of us joining in.

This goes on until we reach 80 cartons when I hear the familiar music to a song. All of a sudden, everyone goes quiet.

"Turn it up!" Michael, Calum, and Ashton all yell in unison.

I do and we all sing our lungs out.

We keep singing off tune until the chorus comes and we're no longer singing anymore... But screaming...

We pull into the parking lot of the mall and get out of the car.

"So... What are we shopping for?"

"Mainly for fun but there's this party tonight that we're going to and we thought you might like to find an outfit." Luke says with a smile.

"Oh okay..." I say quietly.

The boys lead me into various stores, making me try on random pieces of clothing.



"Are we done?" It's been several hours of us just shopping.

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