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"Alright girlie it's time to wake up."

"Mm..." I groan.

"Alexis, it's almost one. The wedding is at what, 7:30? You have six and a half hours. Come on."

"Fine. I'm up, I'm up..."

"Good. Meet me in the kitchen. I made you breakfast."

I smile and stand up.

I decide to not put on actual clothes and go into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I find food laid out on the table. Juice, pancakes, yogurt, bacon, fruit, and eggs.

"Nadia." I laugh.

"I know right."

I sit down and start eating.

"So," Nadia starts, when I'm just about finished.

"Yeah?" I laugh.



"You're getting married!!" She yells.

"I know!" I yell back.

"Okay... Okay..." She takes a deep breath,"we've been dreaming of this moment for forever Alexis..."

"I know."

"Okay, we have about six hours left. We have to finish setting up, do your hair, do your makeup, and get you ready... So that'll be about..." She mumbles, adding up the numbers. "Okay, it'll take about two hours for setup, maybe one for hair, one for makeup, and not long to get it all together. So that leaves us two hours of freedom. What would you like to do?"

"Um, well I don't know... Wait, where did Luke stay last night?"

"I don't know, Ashton's?"



"Oh yeah um..."

"Oh wait... Do you have... Stuff for tonight?"

"What do you mean, stuff?"

"Like, special lingerie?"

"No... Why? Should I?"



"Get in the car."

"But I'm not dressed."

"Get, in, the car."

"Alright." I laugh and follow her out the door.

"Oh what about this. Or this. Or even this!" She keeps grabbing stuff off the racks.

I laugh a bit.

"Nadia, calm down okay? This is enough. This is good."

I grab the things and go to the fitting rooms to try them on.

After trying on the ones she picked out, I finally get to my favorite.

"Okay, this one?"


"Yes?" I brace for impact.

"Yes. Get that one. It's that one. Yes. That one. Alexis."

"Okay Nadia," I laugh, "I'll get this one."

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