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***One Year Later***
***Luke's P.O.V***
"Fuck! Luke get in here!" I hear Ashton yell from the living room.

"Whats up?" I ask and enter the room.

My eyes grow wide and the guys laugh.

"Ash, man come on. I said no strippers."

"What? I couldn't help it man. This is you're last night of freedom before you're tied down."

"Ash, I've considered myself tied down since I met her."

"Okay, but now you're for real tied down, tied down."


"Just sit down."




He sighs and him and Calum come and push me into the couch.



The girl comes up to me and rubs her fingers down my arm and I visibly cringe.

"Pretty sure this is considered cheating."

"Oh well. She doesn't have to know."

"Hey wait, Dylan how would you feel if someone did this to you? Help."

He leaves the room. Thanks mate...

I need to send help.

I manage to feel my phone in my pocket and push and hold the home button.

"Siri," I start.

"Shit." Ashton mumbles.

"Text-" I clear my throat at saying her pet name out loud, "My Princess,"

"Starting message to My Princess, what would you like it to say?"

"Come to Ashton's now. Help."

"Okay. Ready to send?"


"Message sent."

The only reason Ash is upset is because he got a stripper too.

"Excuse me ma'am but could you please stop?"

I try to stand up but the guys push me back down.

"Guys come on!" I groan and run a hand through my hair, trying to look everywhere but the almost naked lady standing in front of me.

***Alexis' P.O.V***
Nadia and I are jamming out in her car on her way back to my house. We went out tonight, it is the night before the wedding and all.

We're in the middle of one of my favorite songs when I feel my phone vibrate for a text.

I reach into my pocket to read a text from Luke.

My Prince💍❤️: Come to Ashton's now. Help.

"Alright," I say and turn down the volume, "well, we're going to Ashton's."

"Okay, might I ask why?"

"I don't know, Luke texted me."



She heads in the direction to Ashton's house and I laugh to myself.

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