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***One week later***

"Alright, Alexis. I think you're just about ready to leave. Maybe tomorrow afternoon? Until then, I think someone just showed up to visit? A Nadia?"

"Nadia's here?!" I almost yell.

"Yes? I'll take it she can come in?" Dr Hood states, lightly chuckling.

"Yes! Are you kidding?!"

"Okay. She'll be right in."

I wait a minute before there's a light knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Alexis?" Nadia almost whispers.

"Nadia!!" I yell, jumping up from my bed and pulling her into a hug.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much! How have you been? I mean, besides this. How's Luke? Speaking of, where is Luke?" I'm about to answer her questions when a shirtless Luke exits the bathroom.

"Hey babe, what was the yelling about- oh. Hi."

"Hi Luke."

"Hi Nadia."

"So... You two ARE still together?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't we be?"

"I don't know. I never get any updates from you anymore Alexis. I found out fro Dylan that you were here."

"I'm sorry. Hey, wait, what are you doing talking to Dylan?"


"You never talked to Dylan..."

"Oh um..."


"I was just checking in because you weren't answering your phone."


"So do you know when you're getting out?"

"Yeah. I think I'm getting out tomorrow. I guess I've made a lot of progress," I pause when Luke sits besides me on the bed, "thanks to Luke. And I'm almost ready to go."

"Awe. How sweet. And that's good. I'm sorry I haven't been here to visit. I didn't find out you were here until like two days ago."

"It's okay. So what have you been up to?"

We spend the rest of the day catching up until Nadia has to leave. By that point, it's around 8 pm.

"I guess I should probably get going. Dyl- I mean Thomas, wants me to come over. I'll talk to you later guys. Alexis, keep in touch okay? Don't be a stranger Luke."

"Okay. Bye Nadia. It was nice seeing you again. And I'll call."

"Bye Nadia. It was nice of you to drop by."

"Yep. Bye guys!" She finalizes with a big smile.

A couple minutes after she leaves, the nurse comes in with food and meds.

"Okay. Alexis here we go. And can I check on your arm?" He greets.

"Sure, you can."

David walks over to my bed and sets the food by the chairs. I put out my arm for him and he takes it.

"Okay. They were doing better the last time, but I don't know about now so this might hurt a little bit."


He unwrapped my bandages cautiously. Although it didn't hurt.

"Great. You seem to be healing really well. I know that sounds ridiculous, being that you've been here for over a week, but other patients don't always heal this quickly."


"Okay. So your meds are on the tray with your food. I brought up some food for Luke as well if he wants it."

"Okay. Thank you."

He leaves the room and Luke gets up to go to the bathroom.

"Lukkee." I groan, holding out the word.

"Yeesss baby?"

"Where are you off too?"

"The bathroom."

"Oh. Okay."

"I'll be out in a minute. Get started eating without me. Don't push yourself too far babe."

I give a light nod and reach over to grab the tray. I put it on my lap and gag slightly at how much food is on it. Two sandwiches, a jello cup, a pudding cup, a mandarin orange cup, and two juice pouches.

I know some of this is for Luke, but still, really?

I stare at it for a second when I hear Luke flush the toilet. I wrap up one of the sandwiches in a napkin, crumple it up and throw it in the garbage, along with the jello cup.

"Luukkkeee." I groan and hold my stomach.


"I'm full."

"You ate all of that?"

"Yeah. It wasn't that much."

"Okay. That's true. I'm proud of you." He says with a smile. "Now let's get some rest so we can get out of here in the morning."

Luke climbs into bed with me after I set the tray aside. I lay my head down on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

I'm not going to miss this place.

***Luke's P.O.V.***
I wake up, very late at night,
Or, early in the morning, quite hungry.

I untangle myself from Alexis and walk to her side of the bed, where the tray is. I reach for the wrapped up sandwich, unwrap it, and when I go to throw away the wrapper, I freeze at what I see.

A jello cup.

"What?" I whisper.

I pick up the trash can and get a closer look.

A jello cup, and what looks like a balled up sandwich.

I pull out the trash on top and see more food scraps from previous days.

I set the trash back down and climb back into the bed.

I thought she was getting better.

She is.

She's just going through a rough patch.

She will get better.

She will.

Hi. So I'm back from the dead. What's up? Anyways, I know I haven't updated in a while. I have to focus on school. I only have 9 days left.

So yeah. Sorry for this but I think the story is going to end at around 4.0?

It will end happily. Don't worry.

Tell me what you thought.
-M 💗

Word count: 922

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