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"Luke... I...I don't know if I can do this. I'm fat enough as it is and I don't want to go back to the way I was."

"Okay... Alexis? I know it's going to be hard. I am completely aware of that. But you have to do it. Please. You are not fat or anywhere near it. Your current weight, has you on the verge of death, like your doctor said. And- wait, you know what? Come with me."

He puts his hand out for me and I take it. He then leads us into the bathroom.

"Stand here." He states, standing me in front of the mirror and closing the door.

I stand in front of the mirror and just look at myself in the mirror. Although, I can't see much because of this oversized gown.

He walks behind me and I can feel him untying each tie. One, by one.

As soon as he takes his hands away, the gown falls completely to the ground.

That's when I see myself.

For real this time.

Luke doesn't even have to say a word. He points stuff out without even pointing.

He starts by gently rubbing his fingers down my spine. He then moves his hand around my waist and gently moves his fingers over my protruding ribs. He puts his hand flat on my stomach and my ribs raise higher than his hand does. He moves slowly down to my hips and gently moves his fingers across them, being careful of my bruises. I look at him in the mirror, and I can see his face of sadness and hurt as he looks at my body.

At this point, I'm starting to cry.



"I...I'll do it. I'll do it for you. And I'll do it for Dylan. Ashton, the boys. But I won't do it for me."

"Alexis you-"

"Luke. I'm going to do it. Please... Just leave it at that?"

He nods and pulls me into a hug. Neither of us are bothered by the fact that I'm completely naked.

"I should shower. Because apparently I haven't in days." I say chuckling.

"I haven't showered since we've been here. So same."

"Alright well, I call first."

"Okay Princess. Oh and hey, do you want me to grab you some pajamas?"

"Oh. You brought some of my clothes?"

"Well, technically, I had Ashton and the boys bring you clothes. Oh and speaking of, I need to call them to let them know your okay. You up for visitors?"

"Eh. Maybe later? I'm not really feeling up to it right now."

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute with your toiletries, instead of hospital ones, and some pajamas."

"Okay. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too Princess."

He leaves the bathroom to grab clothes and I start the shower.

After I hop in, I take my hair down, putting my hair tie around my wrist, and step directly under the water, letting my hair wet.

A minute later, I hear like walk in.

"Here baby." He says, handing me my body wash, conditioner, and shampoo from behind the curtain.

"Thank you." I pull the curtain back slightly and plant a quick kiss on his soft lips.

When I pull away he's smiling.

"I love you princess."

"I love you too."

"I'll see you in a little while. I'm going to go out and get something to eat. I won't pressure you into too much but I'll get you something small, okay?"

I give a light nod and he leans into another kiss before leaving the bathroom.

I've been writing this chapter for days. And again, this book is coming to an end so expect that. And I know this is really short. But the last chapter or two might be really long.

Tell me what you thought.
-M 💗

Word count: 647
Two days until my birthday.

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