Chapter 2.

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Bella P.O.V.

I could see the shocked expression in his face when he looked at me. I could see his eyes stare into mine just like how they did when we first met. His intense stare made me feel a sense of relief. I felt like I should run back into his arms acting like nothing ever happened. I started to glare at him as I remembered what had happened. I felt my heart start to rip into pieces. His body swiftly turned to me as he slowly started to walk towards me. Before he got too close to me, I pushed him away. I felt his cold temperature against my hand. The sense of relief took over me again, but I shook the feeling off by turning my eyes away from his.

"I think it's time you leave," I looked to the side trying to avoid his eyes that were on me.

"But Bella," I slowly backed away from him, and started to leave the room.

"I think it's best if you leave now Edward," I heard Aro's voice behind me as I made my way out the door.

Before I had the chance to leave to my room, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Bella, what happened to you?" It was him. Why couldn't he just understand I don't want to see him anymore?

I didn't answer, I moved myself away from his grip, and walked back up to my room. As much as I wanted to talk to him, I couldn't. The pain in my heart started making me feel like I was about to start sobbing. I couldn't forgive him after everything he's caused me. I couldn't regret the decision I made eighteen years ago. To forget him. To forget he ever existed. You don't love him. He doesn't love you. He never did. If he did, he wouldn't have left you alone. He doesn't love you. Don't forgive him.

I've been laying in my room doing nothing but trying to convincing myself that he doesn't love me. That he never did. Even though I tried, I didn't believe any of it. I knew none of it was true. It was already proven to not be true. He was willing to die just because he thought I was dead. He did love me, but that doesn't explain why he still left me. All of the thoughts in my mind filled with all the memories he left with me after he left. I could feel my heart start to shatter as I saw his perfect complexion in my head. I remembered the day we first met, the day I thought he hated me, but he never did. He loved me. I loved him, but I still can't bring myself to the decision to ever forgive him. I could never forgive him.

~~~3 Days Later~~~

After a few days of dry sobbing, I was finally able to walk out of my room. I walked back into the main chambers to try and tell Aro that I can't be apart of the Volturi anymore. When I opened the doors I felt all of the red eyes turn to me.

"Ah Bella," I heard Aro's creepy voice next to me. I got a cold feeling when I was near him. It felt like at any moment he was going to kill me.

"Hello Aro," I watched as he walked in front of me, and I could see how distressed I looked in his eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Some part of me knew that he didn't really care about what was wrong with me, so I just braced myself to finally tell him that I'm leaving.

"Actually, I've decided that I want to leave," the confusion in his face started making me wonder if I was doing the right thing by leaving.

"Leave? What do you mean you want to leave?" His eyes turned to the others as they eavesdropped on our conversation.

"I want to leave. I want to be on my own from now on," I could see the anger building up in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

"I understand Bella, but are you sure this is what you really want?" I nodded as I looked back to the others.

"This is what I want. I need this right now," he nodded and turned his back to me.

"Well Bella, I'm guessing you're leaving right away?" I nodded again. He looked back to me again while he nodded. I watched as he gestured his hand for me to leave.

I quickly made my way to my room again to pack my things. I was finally relieved that I didn't have to be by their side anymore. I felt the sudden urge to just feel free again. I mean since I've been changed, I've worked for them from the very beginning. They were basically kind of like my family, but I knew they weren't. They were evil people who only wanted power. Power was all they ever wanted. I could see the desperate need to kill in their eyes every time they would see someone. It made me feel sick. I felt sick every time I was near one of them.

Once I was packed, I grabbed my bag and quickly left without saying goodbye to anyone. I walked out of what they called their "headquarters" and finally felt at ease. All of the pressure was lifted off my shoulders. I was finally free. I didn't have to depend on anyone but myself. That's all I ever wanted for myself, and I finally have it. The freedom to do whatever I wanted.


I returned to the place that was really my home. Forks. The place that hadn't changed a bit. I wasn't afraid anymore. I could finally live. I already enrolled for school that would be starting next fall. I already knew that everyone I possibly knew was already gone. They didn't have to worry about me anymore. I moved back into my old house. It was exactly the same except for Charlie. He died a couple years after I had disappeared. He had a heart attack from always worrying about me. Apart of me still wondered if the Cullen's still lived in Forks, but I couldn't care less if they did or did not. All that mattered is that I don't have to be in that hell hole anymore. That's all that mattered to me right now. I don't have anyone telling me what to do.

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