Chapter 22.

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Sierra P.O.V.

        "Why would Bella fight with Aro?" Emmett asked as he began to crack his fists.

        "Because Aro convinced her that we betrayed them, and that she'll be doing the right thing by fighting with them," I replied while grasping Alec's hand.

        "Well then we convince her that she's not doing the right thing," Emmett argued as he headed towards the door.

        "Emmett, we can't do that.  It's better if she fights with them.  She can't be involved with least not now.  She's in danger, and the only thing we can do is let her fight with Aro," I said without pausing.

        "What's his plan?" Edward asked once the room fell in complete silence.

        "We'll have to fight back, in order to protect our family," Carlisle said as he walked back into the living room with a large book in his hands.

        "But how? We're nothing against Jane," Esme said in a quiet voice.

        "Actually, we're more powerful than ever now," Alec said with a devious smile which made me realize what he was thinking.

        "He's right, we are," I said confidently while smiling back at Alec.

         "How? It's not like our powers will work on any of them when they have a shield on their side," Jasper said, and frowned when he said a shield instead of Bella.

        "Well what if they didn't?" Alice asked with a smile in realization.

        "What do you mean?" Rosalie asked while raising her eyebrows.

        "What if we get Bella to stay out of the fight? Sierra can help.  Bella trusts Sierra more than anyone," Alice said with a hint of hope in her voice.

        "But I have to fight.  I'll be a better help if I did," I said as my eyes shifted towards Edward who was standing like a statute.

        "How could you be a better help?" Emmett asked curiously.

        "Well, that's kind of why Alec and I are here.  We found out we had new powers, and no one else knows about them.  I tried telling Edward but then Aro caught us," I said quickly and then turned my eyes back to Alec.

        "Sierra has the ability to take or give any power to another vampire... It's kind of like a transferable power, and as you already know, she can manipulate people's minds as well," Alec said before I could explain.

        "Wait, why don't you just manipulate Bella's mind? Wouldn't that make more sense?" Emmett asked as he sat back down next to Rosalie.

        "No. I'm not doing that again," I said quickly and changed the subject.

        "Anyways, Alec, can control things with his mind," I said with a slight smile.

         "So is that how he opened the cell without the key?" I nodded at Alice as she mumbled to herself, "I think we might actually win."

        "You can't see if we'll win?" She shook head and then frowned towards the ground.

        "Well what's his plan?" Edward asked while running his fingers through his hair.

        "He wanted the fight to be unexpected, but since we left, he's coming when he thinks the time is right.  At most, they'll be here in four days," Alec sighed with a serious expression.

        "He's going to be creating an army in order to take us down.  We're weak if we don't have more people on our side," Carlisle said as everyone tensed up again.

        "But Carlisle, we have friends all our the world.  We can ask them to help us.  We might have an upper advantage of we did," Edward said while turning his eyes back to me.

        "We can try, but if it comes down to a fight, which it will, they wouldn't want to fight the Volturi," Carlisle replied quickly.

        "We can still ask. Some of them would want to fight...for Bella," as Esme finished, Edward's eyes filled with pain.

        "I'm still not fighting Bella," Edward said as he stormed up to his room.  I could hear the loud sounds of things falling and breaking in his room.

        "He'll be fine, just tell us what to do now," Jasper said with a reassuring smile.

        "We'll have to leave now, and train so then we can actually beat them," Alec said while clinging to my side.

        "Okay let's go," I turned my head to see Edward behind me.  I could see the lifeless dry sob in his eyes as he walked out the door.

        "Jasper can help us train.  He's knows a lot of their motives," Carlisle said as we followed Edward.

"Alec, you can help us too. I'm guessing you know his fighting techniques," Alec nodded as we got into Edwards car.

As Edward started up the car, the three of us were going to drive to Denali. I guess there's another gifted clan up in Alaska, so that's the first place we were going. I turned my head back to the seat behind me, and I could see the uncertainty in Alec's eyes as we drove out of Forks. I slightly mouthed the words, everything will be okay, you'll be fine. He smiled a bit then turned his head out the window. This is going to be a long drive, I thought to myself as I looked ahead towards the snowy road.

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