Chapter 18.

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Bella P.O.V.

        I heard his cries of pain as I watched him fall to the ground.  Some part of me panicked as I stopped the pain from hurting him.  I projected my shield to cover him.  I could feel everyone looking at me as I helped him.  I watched as he tried standing up again.  I knew my shield wasn't strong enough against Jane's power, but at least he wasn't screaming in pain anymore.  Out of no where I felt someone tackle me to the ground.  It was Jane.

        "What the hell!" I growled at her as I tried standing up.

        "Why did you do that?" She began to glare at me as I looked back at the male vampire who was looking into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked while still looking into his eyes. They looked somewhat familiar to me. Strange.

"You made the pain stop!" She started to raise her voice as she ran at me again.

        I quickly ran out of her way, then watched as she almost ran into the wall.  I watched everyone's eyes turn to me as I glared back at Jane.

        "Well what else was I supposed to do? You were hurting him for no reason!" I yelled while dodging her again.

        "Oh please! If you remembered what he did to you, you would do the same thing!" She growled as she looked towards Aro who was now standing between us.

        "What do you mean? Remember what?" I hissed as my eyes shifted towards Sierra.

        "It's nothing Bella, just let it go," I nodded as I glared back at Jane who was staring over to the vampire clan across the room.

        "Well now you see, they don't remember," I heard Aro whisper slightly as he glared at the family who were still standing in front of us.

I watched the boy look into my eyes as he started to frown, and I watched him leave the room without any hesitation. I felt so bad. I felt like I should run up to him and comfort him, but why? I turned back to Alice who was looking back at the other boy who was standing next to the one who had just left. I could see the pain in his eyes as he looked at Alice. All of this felt very strange. Had we really known these people? Was that one boy right? Did I really know him? But how? I've never seen him in my whole existence. I watched as the rest of them walked out of the room with their heads down, but the boy who was looking at Alice was now looking at me. I watched him closely as he mouthed the words, please remember us Bella. I looked back to Aro as I watched the other vampire walk out of the room.

"Well wasn't that an eventful moment?" I heard Aro's cheery voice as he clapped his hands together.

"Aro, who were those people?" I heard Alice ask curiously as I walked next to her wondering the same thing.

"Those were the Cullen's. They're a vampire clan who live in Forks, but we don't really get along with them as you already know," I watched Alice nod as she turned back to Sierra who was looking down at the ground again.

"Sierra? What's the matter?" I asked as she began to look at her hands now as if she was hiding something.

"Nothing," she mumbled under her breath, but I knew something was wrong with her since she sighed and left the room.

Sierra P.O.V.

I stormed out of the room feeling guilty about everything. I remembered seeing the pain in Edward's eyes as he looked at Bella. He really does love her. I walked into the main hallway hoping that the Cullen's were still there. Before I could turn the corner I heard their voices mumbling about Bella and Alice. I quickly walked up to them, and decided to tell them everything. They deserved to know the truth. All I could do now is make things right since I clearly ruined everything.

"Edward? Can I please talk to you? It's kind of important," I questioned as he turned his head to me with a death stare in his eyes.

"What do you want? Haven't you already ruined enough in our lives?" He hissed while trying not a raise his voice.

"Look I know I don't deserve for you to listen to me, but it's important," I said in an innocent voice while batting my eyelashes towards him.

"Why would we ever listen to you? You destroyed both of my brothers lives because of the mess you made!" I heard Rosalie yell at me while pushing me away from them.

"Rose! That's enough," Esme peaked her head behind Emmett as she pulled Rosalie away from me before she could possibly kill me, or at least try to.

"Edward, please. Just hear me out. For Bella," I begged as I looked around the building waiting for an answer.

"Fine," he growled as we moved away from his family and walked to a private corner.

"What is it?" He sighed as he glared at me waiting for an answer.

"Look, I'm sorry I made Bella forget you, but can you just put your attitude aside for a second and just let me explain how you could help her!" I raised my voice and pushed his shoulder slightly.

"Okay fine," he huffed and gestured his hand to let me continue.

"Thank you. Now, Bella can still remember you, but I can't change her memory back. Aro would know it was me, so you have to help her Edward," I explained while thinking if he understood all of that.

"How could I help her? She doesn't even know who I am," I hesitated before answering again, and started debating in my head on how to explain this.

"Okay, so since we've been gone, and since I was changed, I found out I had another gift. A gift that I had never told anyone, but I guess I'm telling you-" I was cut off as I saw Aro behind us. His expression looked furious.

"Why Sierra! What are you doing talking to one of the Cullen's?" He asked as he pulled me away from Edward.

"I'm just telling him that it was time for them to leave, but he's not listening," I lied as I looked at Edward who started walking away.

"I'll just be going now," he sighed as he walked back to his family, and I watched him and the others walk out the door.

"We're you really telling him to leave?" Aro asked curiously as he looked into my eyes which were trying to figure out the best lie.

Instead, I just nodded as he pointed down at my hand. Oh crap! I forgot all about that! He's going to figure out that I'm lying. Ugh! How could I be so stupid? I obeyed his gesture and let his hand grasp mine. It was silence for a few moments, but as soon as he finished looking through me, his reaction was filled with anger.

"Would you like to tell me why you lied to me?" He raised his eyebrows as I looked away from his evil grin.

I didn't answer, I simply looked around the room again as Jane walked out. "Jane, could you please show Sierra where we dispose of her since she is clearly not needed anymore?" He smiled back at me as Jane grabbed my arm and took me to a dark room.

I scanned my surroundings and saw nothing but darkness. Everything was empty. There were small cell blocks that looked sort of like a jail. I followed Jane as she led me into an empty cell room, and I could see in her eyes that she would soon regret locking me in for who knows how long. All I know is that I did do the right thing on trying to make things right. That's all I want now. To fix everything I screwed up in the past. And I'm not giving up until I figure out how I'm going to get out of here.

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