Chapter 13.

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Edward P.O.V.

As I combed my fingers through her hair, we watched the sun start to rise. It was so beautiful, but not as much as my Bella. She was more perfect than anyone could ever imagine, and I got her. She chose me. After everything I put her through, she still came back to me. We were both perfect together. You two are soul mates, I remembered Alice telling me that when I left. All I wanted was just her. Just her and me together. Everything with her made me feel like my heart is still beating, in fact, every time I'm around her it starts racing. I can't really put my feelings for Bella in words, but all I can say is that she's my perfect fragile Bella that I will always love, and nothing could ever change that.

I closed my eyes while imagining our perfect forever with each other when I felt her hands pull herself up closer to me. I opened my eyes and saw she was smiling at me. Her smile was so beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. I closed my eyes one more time as her head snuggled in my neck. Everything is perfect, was all that was running through my thoughts right now. Literally everything. I felt her cold hand rest on my cheek. I opened my eyes again to see her lovely hand that fit perfectly with mine lie on the side of my face. I saw the ring on her finger and smiled as I remembered that she said yes to marrying me. That definitely had to be one of my top moments with her. I looked down to feel her head move away from my neck.

She kissed my neck gently before turning up to me with a smile, "I love you," she whispered slightly.

I felt my non-beating heart start racing as I whispered back, "I love you," she laid her head back on my chest as I kissed the top of her head.

Some part of me started to wonder what if Bella never came to Forks? What if she never met me? Will I still find her someday? All the babbling in my thoughts made me try to swallow a dry sob that was building up inside me when I thought about the possibilities if I really didn't meet Bella. Would there be someone else? Because I really hope that there wouldn't be. Bella was the one I could only love. But then again, could that happen?

Get a grip Edward, you already have the girl you love. I felt a little bit angry with myself because I thought those possibilities. Of course I would still have Bella. She's my perfect Bella. The only one for me.


A few hours later we finally got out of bed. I decided to go hunting while Bella packed up her old house. Alice suggested that she could just move in with us. Which I didn't really mind. It would be nice having Bella around all the time.

"I'll see you later okay?" I nodded at her as she pecked my lips then ran out the door to my car. I watched as the car backed out and she drove off to her house.

I didn't think hunting would take me that long, so once I was done, I just stuck in the woods for sometime alone. I never really liked the idea of being apart from Bella, especially for this long. It's already been an hour, and I couldn't bare to think that she could have possibly ran off again. I knew she didn't but what if she did? Would you listen to yourself? She didn't leave you. She would never, so stop worrying about that. I know that I'm right but I still can't shake that feeling off.

I decided to go to the place where I could hopefully clear my head, and get all of the non-sense that I'm thinking out too. I ran to the meadow, and laid in the exact spot Bella and I would lay down to watch the sky turn dark. It felt like I've been laying here for hours since the sky darken, and the moon started to rise in the cloudless sky. I found it peaceful here alone, but I knew it would've been much better if Bella was here with me. I heard footsteps coming near me, and I smiled as I thought it was Bella. I looked up to who I thought was Bella was Sierra, but she looked different. She was as pale as me now, but how could that be?

"Well hello Edward," the tone in her voice made me cringe as she walked towards me. I quickly backed up from her while her smile widened when she saw me.

"Sierra? What are you doing her?" I tried choking those words out as her eyes stared into mine. I noticed that her eyes were red. A shade of red that represented blood.

"I'm here to see you, isn't it obvious?" She smiled again as she tried moving closer to me.

When I tried moving away from her again, I felt her hand grab ahold of mine. I turned back to her when suddenly her eyes were staring into mine as her hands held my face. I could feel her forceful pull on my face as she pressed her lips onto mine. I tried my best to back away from her, but I began kissing her back. It was strange. It felt like I was kissing Bella. I began kissing Sierra the way I would kiss Bella, but eventually I got a grip of myself and backed away from her as I heard rustling from the trees. I glared at Sierra as I caught the scent of Bella who was watching us from the trees.

"What the hell! How could you?" I yelled at her as I ran into the woods trying to find Bella.

I kept running until I found Bella sitting by a tree dry sobbing. I could feel her heart shatter in millions of pieces as I heard her sobs continue.

"Bella, I can explain-" I said as I tried moving closer to her, but I could feel the death stare in her eyes as she turned her head to mine.

"How could you! I trusted you! How could you do that to me? I thought you loved me! Why Edward?" I could see the sobs in her eyes as she ran away from me again. I felt my heart shatter as I regretted everything I had done to hurt my sweet Bella.

I couldn't move a muscle. I was in complete shock. My heart felt like it was just destroyed by a wrecking ball. I could feel my life start to come to a tragic end as I fell to the floor on my knees to start dry sobbing. I couldn't believe that I just hurt Bella like that. I saw her face in my mind as I saw her sobbing face. I lost everything I had ever loved in life. I just lost my Bella. She could never forgive me again.

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