Chapter 23.

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Bella P.O.V.

After consulting with Aro, the past few days have been hell.  All we've been doing is training for the fight.  Although I don't know why we have to, I mean, we're more powerful than they could ever be.  But then again, Aro says that they have been creating an army.  Sierra, Alice, and Alec are helping the enemy which makes me feel betrayed.  I thought Sierra, Alice and I were family, but I guess not.  If they want to fight, then so be it.  All of my training has payed off, Jane and I have been working on projecting my power.  I can now project my power to multiple people.  I can fight and project my power now.  But I can't help but feel the urge that something isn't right.  I could feel in my cold heart that I'm not meant to be fighting with them.  That I'm meant to be somewhere else.  I wished I could be somewhere else instead of this place, but they're the only family I have left.

        All I can do is fight with them.  All I can do is betray my feelings of possibly hurting something I have no idea what I am going to hurt.  In a way I could see the possible outcome of hurting the people I had trusted ever since I was turned.  They left me without saying goodbye, but I guess I understood why they left.  They once said that they were trying to protect me.  To protect me from the unknown.  But from what I've gathered, they're trying to protect me from Aro.  I remember them once telling me that he only wants me because of my power.  They said they would have killed me, but since I have a gift, they spared me.  Once they told me I was in danger, but I still do not know what from.  I have the strangest feeling that the danger I'm in can kill all of the people I love. 

        I realize now that I have to fight with Aro.  It's the only way to show that I'm strong enough to beat the urge of what I'm feeling inside.  Although I still feel that I'm doing the wrong thing, I'm not.  In fact, I know I'm not.  Something inside me tells me to not fight, but the other half tells me they all deserve to die.  Everyone except one.  I don't know which one, but I know once I fight I'll see.  I'll see the true feeling inside me be revealed.  I know that I can't betray Aro, but I want to.  I don't deserve to stay with him.  The only urge I have in my heart is to stay with somebody. Somebody who I could never forgive.  That feeling is telling me to forgive but who? To whom am I supposed to forgive? I don't know who, but I am determined to find out.

After hours of sitting in my room thinking of ways to fight the urge I'm feeling in my stomach, I put my dark velvet cloak over my shoulders and headed downstairs to find Jane. I found Jane whispering slightly to Demetri. I couldn't catch what they were talking about, but before I could turn around, they looked over at me like I've just committed a crime or something.

"Bella, what are you doing?" Jane asked in a sort of whisper.

"I was looking for you...I was wondering if we were going to work on my power today?" I questioned while raising my eyebrows.

"Umm...I don't think so. We're leaving soon. The fight is tomorrow, so go pack your things," Jane rushed out of the room with Demetri who kept glaring at me which I found really weird.

Then again, Demetri and I haven't really gotten off on the right foot, but we still have to learn to fight together. I walked up to my room and gathered some stuff I might need, which meant I didn't pack anything. I didn't need anything except myself. I sat up in my room until Jane came to get me so we can leave, but the feeling in my stomach still told me to not go. I ignored that feeling and walked out the door with Jane. This is going to be a long trip... My thoughts couldn't be controlled, all of my thoughts were thinking of glaring at Aro. I don't know why, but they were.

Edward P.O.V.

"They're nearly here!" I heard Alice's voice crack as I watched the woods ahead of us.

"How much more time?" Alec asked from across the snowy field.

"Five minutes! Get ready!" I looked towards Sierra who was concentrating hard as ever as she glared towards the trees.

I heard rustling from the trees behind us, and looked back. It was the wolves. Although we didn't get along very well, I was able to convince Jacob to help us...for Bella's sake of course. Her name instantly broke my soul as her name rang in my head. All I could think about was her, and how I'll have to possibly hurt her. I could never hurt my Bella, not in a million years. I could never bring myself to that decision, but Sierra insisted that I have to get her out of the fight. I know Aro will convince Bella to go after me since he knows it would hurt me even more to fight the person I love.

        Moments later, I watched everyone stiffen as they were walking towards us.  I could hear everyone's worried thoughts debating if this was the day we would all die.  I watched the perfect girl walking ever so swiftly next to Jane who was looking at her brother.  I continued to watch my beautiful Bella as she scanned through the people she was walking towards.  I saw her red eyes meet mine.  I could feel the glare in her eyes as she looked at me, but some part of me saw the slight confusion in her expression.  I could see a slight smile form on her face as she looked at me.  Out of nowhere they stopped.  We were now face to face with them.  I was now face to face with my Bella.

        From the corner of my eyes I watched Carlisle walk up to Aro as he began to speak, "Aro, why does everything have to always come down to a fight?"

        "Well from what it looks like, you have formed something against us," Aro said with a devious smile.

        "Believe me, I did not have any intensions on doing so, but you left me no choice," Carlisle hesitated before continuing, "you stole my family from me, so this is what you deserve."

        "Well then so be it, a fight it shall be, a fight to the death I assume," Aro said while still smiling and looking over to me.

        We all stepped back, but I saw Bella's eyes meet mine again as Aro whispered into her ear. My heart cringed as she nodded to what he had said, and whipped her head back to stand next to Jane. All of us stood there waiting for the fight to begin.  The first one to charge was Sierra.  She was determined to kill Aro before he killed one of us.  One by one we were off.  Bella was the only one who ran after me.  Her eyes were locked on mine as I stopped her before she could possibly kill me.  I grabbed her wrists, and forced her eyes to look at mine.

        "Bella, love, please remember me.  Try to remember," he eyes shifted up towards me, and before I knew it, I was flying through the air. 

        I hit the ground and felt everything inside me break.  My heart ripped into pieces as she ran towards me again.  I felt her hands grip mine as I closed my eyes, waiting for her to kill me.

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