Chapter 14.

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Bella P.O.V.

How could he? I trusted him? Everything was absolutely perfect before all of this. Why did he have to kiss her? In our meadow! All the anger that started boiling in my system made me want to kill something, but I knew I wouldn't. I was strong enough to fight the urge to hurt someone. But still, how could he do that to me? We were supposed to get married and then he does that. Everything in my world just shattered. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone anymore. The person who I thought loved me doesn't. I thought I could trust him with my life, but I guess I was wrong. Everything that I ever knew was gone now. I didn't even bother telling the others because knowing Alice, she already saw what happened.

I did end up running back to the house though to leave a proper goodbye for him. I guess the right thing to do is to leave a goodbye for him since he clearly doesn't want me anymore. I didn't walk through the front door because I knew I would be surrounded with questions from my used to be family. I jumped up a tree then into Edward's window. I took one last look around his room where everything perfect between us happened here. I looked at the photos he kept of us on his shelves. We looked so happy together, but now we can't be. No more happy forever together. All we have is the memories which I don't want anymore. All I want is to just forget him again.

I found one of his journals, and ripped a blank piece of paper out. I tried not to start dry sobbing as I wrote:

My dearest Edward,

I thought we both wanted a long happy forever together, but I guess I was wrong. I can't bare to leave you this note, but it's for the best. It's time to move on with our lives. I don't think I could ever forgive myself for tearing you apart from whom you love. Clearly, you only love Sierra. All I want is for you to be happy. Now you can. You can go on with your life without me. I won't come back. I promise. You can forget about me. I don't think I could ever forget about you because you were the one I loved, but now I don't. It's for the best, trust me. We can both go on with our lives without seeing each other. I want your life to be happy, and with that I'm saying goodbye. I'm saying goodbye to the only person I ever loved. You were the one for me. I will always love you, and until I can forget about you, my life will be nothing without you. I hope you have the perfect forever with Sierra. Maybe you can propose to her like you did to me. You two really belong together I guess. I love you Edward, and I always will love you.


I left my ring by the note and my locket he gave to me. Although I couldn't bare to part with everything he gave to me, I had to. Everything I loved, I'm leaving with him. I'm leaving him forever. He doesn't need me anymore. He doesn't love me. Everything bad that could've happened to me just did. I felt like my life was no longer in need of existing. All I could do now is just leave. I don't need him in my life anymore, and he clearly doesn't need me. I ran out the window as soon as I caught Edward's voice yelling at Alice, in fact, I heard everyone yelling as he approached the room. I ran straight into the woods while thinking of where I should go. But the truth is, I know where I had to go. I know where my home really was. I had to go back to the Volturi. That's where I felt I belonged before he came back into my life.

Edward P.O.V.

I caught her scent heading back to the house, so I rushed back to explain everything to her, but when I got back I was confronted with glares. I saw a scowling Alice walking up to me as Jasper tried calming her down.

"Edward how could you! After everything you two have been through! How could you do that to Bella!" Her voice raised, and I couldn't help but to think that people from at least a ten mile radius, could hear Alice.

"I didn't do anything! Sierra kissed me!" I tried desperately explaining while trying to get up to my room. I could hear her gentle footsteps pacing back and forth in my room.

"Sierra? You kissed Sierra! God Edward how could you be so stupid!" I swallowed back a dry sob as Alice continued yelling.

"She kissed me! I didn't kiss her!" My voice raised as well as I started walking upstairs, but before I could go to my room to see Bella, Alice grabbed me hand to stop me.

"What? Did her lips magically fall onto yours, and then you suddenly kissed back? You kissed back Edward! And don't even try saying you didn't because I saw you! How could you!" Her voice raised as she finally let go of my hand and stormed off into her room.

I quickly ran into my room hoping Bella was still in there, but she wasn't. She had just left when I opened the door. I found a note with her beautiful scripture hand writing. I could feel my heart instantly break as I saw what she left with the note. Her ring, and her necklace. She left it here. I read her note, and suddenly broke into dry sobs. I fell onto my bed that still had Bella's scent on the sheets. I cuddled into one of the pillows her head laid on as my sobs continued. This is when I wish I could really cry. I wanted to feel the tears stream down my face as I thought of Bella in my mind. I continuously thought of her last words to me and how angry her beautiful face was. I truly betrayed her. She will never forgive me. She said she never loved me, but I knew she was lying when she wrote that. She said I didn't love her, but that was impossible to ever think that. To ever think that I could never love Bella was just impossible. I love her, and I will always love her. I won't stop until I find my Bella again.

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