Chapter 4.

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Bella P.O.V.

The feeling of his lips on mine was like everything in the world was gone. It was just us two. Alone. In a world where no one could ever possibly disturb us. It felt like I belonged with him again. I could tell he loved me. I could feel my arms wrap around his neck as we kissed. It felt just like how everything used to be before he left. I could feel his hands on my waist as I gripped his hair. Everything was better now. Everything was perfect when I was with him. Everything was normal when I was with him. I needed him. I loved him. I pulled away, and I could see the crooked smile I loved so much form on his perfect face which made me kiss him again.

He pulled away this time pressing his forehead against mine, "I love you Bella."

I could feel my heart that couldn't beat, starting racing, "I love you Edward."

We stared into each others eyes while my arms were still wrapped around his neck. His arms wrapped around me as I smiled at him feeling like I could be blushing. As the sun started to set, I looked down at our hands that were now intertwined with each others and smiled again. He then led me back to the house. The house where my real family was. We walked inside to see everyone waiting for us in the living room. I missed seeing their smiles, and everyone looked like they were about to cry when they saw me. The first person I saw who ran up to me and hugged me was Alice. I can't express how much I missed her. She was my sister. The only sister I've ever had.

"Welcome home Bella," I heard Esme's voice as she walked over to me embracing me in a hug.

"I've been missing my little sister hanging around here," I felt Esme's arms let go of me as Emmett held me in his arms, and I felt like at any moment, my back would crack...which I think it did.

I looked over to Rosalie who was slightly glaring at me, but then started to smile, "We've all missed you so much," I gently smiled as I went back to Edward's side.

"It's really nice to have you back Bella," I looked over to Jasper who was calm as ever now. Probably since I'm not human, he doesn't always want to kill me now.

I felt more at ease when I was with them. I belonged here. I belonged with Edward. This was my family. The only family I'll ever need. I heard a slight laugh from Edward as he looked down at me with a smile.

"I'm glad you think that way Bella. We definitely are your family," I smiled and remembered that I didn't have my shield enabled, so he could hear every thought in my head.

I love you, I thought in my head. I felt his gentle lips against my cheek. I seriously felt like I was blushing.

"I think it would be best if I got a chance to catch up with Bella, so we'll be in my room," everyone nodded, but I could tell by the look on Emmett's face that we wouldn't really be catching up.

"Well just make sure you don't break anything while your 'catching up,'" I laughed a little as he said his last words in air quotes, so I just shook my head at him as Edward took me upstairs.

"So are you going to tell me what Emmett was really thinking when he said 'catching up' so weirdly?" He laughed and shook his head.

I sighed as he opened the door to his room. Everything was still the same. Every CD was stacked in rows on his shelves. The breathtaking view from his room was still the same. Everything was the same except there was a bed.

"So are you going to tell me how you were changed?" His face was puzzled as we sat on the bed.

"It's kind of difficult to explain, but I guess if you really want to know," I felt my words stutter as I looked around, and back into his eyes.

He nodded while pressing his forehead against mine, "I'm pretty sure I could keep up," he smiled as I remembered our first conversation when we met.

"Well after you left, I felt completely depressed, and about six months after I found Jane and Alec. They took me to Italy, and then I met Aro. As much as he wanted to kill me, he didn't. He changed me soon after, and I've worked for them ever since. Until I saw you again," he looked at my expression and noticed that I was begging to frown.

I shook my head as his hand caressed my cheek, "I'm so sorry Bella. I shouldn't have left you," the gentle tone in his voice made me feel like I was starting to blush. Which I really wanted to.

I wanted to feel the feeling I felt when we first kissed, but I wanted it to be more than just a kiss. I wanted him. That's all I ever wanted. Him. My perfect, long, happy life felt like it was just feeling how it used to be. The feeling of his hand against my cheek made me think that his love for me was real, and I regretted every moment that I thought it wasn't. He loved me. I loved him. That's all I could really love for now. Just being with him made me feel that if I were to ever lose him again, my life would be completely worthless. As I looked back into his golden eyes that were so beautiful, I pressed my lips against his as my arms wrapped around his neck again. I felt his hands move gently down my waist as we kissed. I felt how one of his hands gripped my back as my lips moved towards his neck. I could feel every emotion as we kissed, and then I realized, this was how our perfect forever would begin.

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