Chapter 9.

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Bella P.O.V.

        I felt at ease when I'm around Edward.  His hand didn't let go of mine as he walked me to class.  Each time he smiled at me I couldn't help but kiss him again.  I couldn't help but feel his gentle lips on mine as I thought to myself, this was all I wanted.  All I really wanted was to just be with him.  I don't know how many times I could express my feelings for him, but all I could really say is that no one has ever loved someone as much as I loved him.

All throughout the morning classes all I though about was him. I wanted to be next to him again. I didn't want to be apart from him anymore. As I walked out of class, there he was. Standing ever so perfectly against the lockers. His head swiftly turned to mine as he flashed a smile. The crooked smile I'll always love. I was a little disappointed that Edward didn't have any classes with me. At least one class would have been fine.

"Hi Bella," he smiled again as my lips pressed against his, and I heard a slight laugh from behind us.

"Glad you two are back together and everything, but can you just get a room already?" I turned my head to see Emmett laughing as Rosalie hit his arm. He flinched a little which made me laugh.

"Should we go to lunch now?" He nodded taking my hand in his while kissing my lips again.

The cafeteria hadn't changed a bit. All that's really different is the new people who I've never seen before. I mean yeah, I've seen them in my classes, but I just ignored them. I felt Edwards hand tighten in mine as he glared at most of the boys sitting at a far corner of the room. We soon found Alice and Jasper sitting at the regular table we would sit at twenty years ago. Since there wasn't enough chairs for all six of us, Edward had me sit in his lap which I was glad about.

"Well, I'm glad to see Edward isn't moping around anymore," Alice teased I felt Edwards grasp get tighter again as I flinched.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I followed his eyes that were still glaring at the boys from the other side of the room.

"It's nothing. Just people have to learn to control their thoughts," he tried faking a smile, which I didn't buy.

"What were they thinking?" His body tensed again after I asked the question.

"They were thinking about you, and how-" I cut him off again not wanting him to continue, so I pressed my lips against his knowing that those boys were looking at me.

"So should I go find you two a room?" I heard Emmett cringing as I pulled away. I simply shook my head and glared at him.

"Well, who do we have here?" I heard a female voice approaching us she was staring at Edward, and I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

When she stood in front of us I could feel her eyes intensively glare at me, and I was glad to return the glare that in my eyes, represented death.

"May I ask what you newbies are sitting at our table?" I soon watched as more people joined her. I felt anger rise in me as she flipped her long red hair towards Edward.

"I'm sorry honey, who do you think you're talking to?" I heard Rosalie snap at her, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" She glared over at me again while Edward gently kissed my cheek to make me clam down.

"Nothing...just your pathetic act of thinking your better than us," I snapped again while glaring in her eyes.

I heard Edward laugh behind me as she looked over to him with a smile, "Well, I couldn't help but notice that you guys don't look nearly as good as we would be if we were together," she said with a hiss as she moved closer to Edward.

Without any hesitation I grabbed her arm trying not to hit her, "If you dare to lay a finger on him, I will break you!" All that was running through my head was the thought of if looks could kill.

"Watch me," she hissed back while kissing Edward on the cheek then walking away with a smile.

I tried getting up to go and tear her apart, but Edwards grip got tighter every time I tried. "Bella don't," his voice calmed me as his lips gently rest on my neck.

I pulled away from him still angry at the fact that this pathetic girl thought that she could just kiss my boyfriend! "Why shouldn't I! She deserves it!" I glared at her as she looked back at us from the table she was sitting at.

"Bella please," I felt his fingers comb through my hair as his lips moved up my neck to my lips. My hands gently gripped his hair as I kissed back.

As if anything could get worse, the bell rang, signaling is to go back to class. Luckily I found at that Edward had the same class as me. Biology, the class we had together when we first met. His hand didn't let go of mine as we walked to the desk we once had sat at where I first laid my eyes on him.

"Excuse me, but I think that seat belongs to me," I heard that girl we saw in the cafeteria whisper in my ear. I saw that her eyes were locked on Edwards.

"Actually no, it's not," I glared at her as her eyes stared into mine.

"Yes it is, now excuse me," I felt her hand push me out of the way as she sat down next to Edward. I felt the sudden urge to rip her apart as she reached her hand for Edwards.

        Before I could rip her apart, the teacher walked in so that meant I wouldn't be sitting next to Edward at all.  Throughout the whole entire lesson I watched as that low life flirted with Edward, but each time he would ignore her which I had to admit, I felt better when he did.  I couldn't help but think of ways to kill her each time she tried to touch Edwards face.  I wanted to kill her.  I don't care if all of these humans saw me suck the life out of her.  She was as good as dead in my book. 

        Finally, the bell rang. I ran to Edwards side not even caring if I pushed her to the ground.  Without any hesitation, I pulled his face towards mine while pressing my lips against his as his hands gripped my hair.

        I heard a faint growl behind us as I pulled away whispering in his ear, "I love you."

        He smiled as he kissed me again then whispered back to me, "I love you."

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