Chapter 24.

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Edward P.O.V.

        I opened my eyes one last time to see her, instead I was looking up at Sierra.  She pulled me up and ran off quickly to Rose who was getting attacked by Demetri.  I watched her tear Demetri off of Rose, and she turned her head back to me while mouthing the words, get Bella out of here.  I nodded as I turned my head back to my sweet Bella whom I once loved, charged at me again.  I grabbed her wrists, and looked towards Sierra who was now next to me.  She tried pressing her hand on Bella's cheek, but she was too strong.  She kept fighting my grasp as Sierra finally rested her hand on her cheek.

        "Edward get her out of here! She won't have her power for at least fifteen minutes.  Try to make her remember," I nodded and grabbed Bella who was still resisting my grasp and made her run with me into the woods.

        Minutes later, after we were far away from the fight, I set her down and looked around at our surroundings.  Out of complete instinct, I realized where I had brought her.  Our meadow.  I looked back at her as she stared around at the dead flowers that we were standing on.  This place went completely dead without her here.  I never stopped coming here.  I would always come here whenever I wanted to think of her, which was basically everyday.  Everyday I came here to think about her.  Everyday I would hold her ring in my hands as I sat and looked up at the sky to see her in my mind.  Her eyes quickly shifted back to me, and I realized she was at ease now since she unclenched her fists.

        "Where are we?" She asked while walking closer to me. 

        "You don't remember this place? Our place?" She simply shook her head, and gracefully sat down on the ground where she would normally lie down to look up at the sky.

        I laid down next to her without any hesitation and looked into her eyes as she watched me lay down next to her.

        "What are you thinking Bella?" I remember asking her that when I first took her here, and she smiled up at me like nothing had ever changed between us.

        "Nothing," she shrugged as she sat up to hug her knees.

        "Can I ask you a question?" She looked back at me with the smile I used to see everyday when I saw her.

        "Anything," I nodded as I sat up next to her.  I felt her head lie on my shoulder. I smiled.

        "Do you ever have that one strange feeling in your stomach that something isn't right?" I nodded as she continued to explain, "Well you see, I've been having this feeling that I can't seem to ever get rid of."

        "Everyday, I feel like my whole world around me will explode because I don't have something in my life that I feel I like I desperately need.  Everyday since the day I saw you and your family come to confront Aro, that's the only feeling I've been having."

        "Does it feel like you had forgotten something?" I asked as she removed her head from my shoulder.

        "Yeah something like that.  I just feel like I need to remember it...just somehow.  I don't know if I could ever remember, but that's all I want right to just remember," she responded as she let go of her knees to lay back down.

        "What was the last thing you remember before you saw me?" I questioned while still sitting up.

        "I guess it's when I woke up with Sierra staring into my eyes.  I remember seeing this bright light in my eyes, and then everything went completely black," she said with a sigh while looking up at me.

        "Do you think there could ever be a point where you could remember me-," I paused for a second and cleared my throat, "do you think you could remember what you want to remember?"

        "I'm not sure, but I know once I find it, I will," she said while smiling over at me. 

        I leaned next to her and felt her arms wrap around me neck.  I could feel her hands gently brush through my hair.  It felt like everything was back to the way it usually was.  Her eyes dazzled into mine as my hand reached for her cheek.  I watched her face turn completely blank as my hand touched her face.  I felt her hand lay on top of mine as her expression came back to life.

        I watched her eyes close slowly as she smile in a somewhat relieved expression as she opened her eyes back to me, "Edward."


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