Chapter 7.

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Edward P.O.V.

I watched as she turned away from me, and ran back into the woods. I could feel my life start to shatter as I realized that I just lost the girl I loved. I was completely heartbroken. The way she acted broken me. I felt completely broken without her. The way she hit me shocked me. I could've sworn my eyes started to water as I ran into the house going straight up to my room. I laid on the bed and started dry sobbing as I remembered last night, and how I've now ruined everything between us. Everything was perfect until I screwed everything up. I never thought I would ever see her so angry at me. My eyes drifted up at the ceiling as my tearless sobs continued.

As my cries started to ease, I realized I've been in my room alone for a week. It's been a week since I last saw my Bella. I still couldn't get the image of her out of my head. I could see the clear anger in her face as she yelled at me. I could hear the sobs in her voice as she yelled at me. I could still feel the powerful force from her slap across my face. My eyes felt a little dreary since I've been sobbing for a straight week. I felt my throat start to burn as I smelt a mountain lion not too far from here. I quickly got out of the bed and ran out the window. I followed the scent that was followed by another familiar scent. It was her.

I sensed that she was heading for the same scent I was heading to. I ran as fast as I could to beat her there. All I wanted was to see her again. I wanted to see her beautiful face. I wanted to see the smile she would give me everyday. I wanted to feel her gentle lips against mine again, but I knew that wouldn't happen. I made it before she could reach the mountain lion. I waited for her, but I smelled her scent get farther and farther away from me. She knew I was here. Why couldn't she just talk to me? Why couldn't things just go back to normal? Why did everything have to be like this? Why did I make such a huge mistake?

        I walked back to the house in silence trying not to start sobbing again when I heard small footsteps walking towards me.

        "Edward?" I heard her soft voice behind me.  I felt a smile form on my face, but when I turned around my smile faded away.

I watched as she slowly walked up to me and held a locket in her hand. It was a locket I gave her the night before, where everything was still perfect between us. The night before everything was ruined.

"I thought you would like this back," I heard her voice become muffled as she tried avoiding my eyes.

"Bella, why? Why are you doing this? Can't we just talk," she shook her head, and dropped the necklace in my hand. Before I had the chance to look at her one last time, she was already gone.

I opened the locket to see a picture of me and her. I wished I was able to tear up as I saw the way she looked at me, and the way I looked at her. I read the scripture next to the photo. It read "forever." The forever we would seem to never have now. She's gone. She won't talk to me. I could feel my sobs start to build inside me as I ran back into the house then stormed off to my room to be alone again. I could feel my non-existent heart get ripped slowly piece by piece as my thoughts were beginning to surround an image of Bella. Everything was useless in my world now. I lost the girl I loved...again. She'll never forgive the horrible words I said to Jacob. All I wanted was for her to be safe. Everything I ever wanted was to protect her. Everything I ended up trying to do failed, and now she's gone.

My life felt lifeless without her. All I needed was her. She was my life. She was the closest thing that actually brought me happiness in my life. All I really wanted was to be with her. In our long, happy, forever, but I can see that things have now changed between us. My heart feels like it could never be fixed. The only thing that could ever make me actually live again was her. Bella was all I needed right now. I needed her back in my life. Without her, I'm nothing. I could still see her face in my mind as I remembered our special night. I remember her soft skin against mine, her gentle lips against mine, her laugh, her smile, the way her hands would intertwine with mine, I remembered everything when I'm with her. I felt that I could actually live when I'm with her, but now, all she wants to do is forget.

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