Chapter 20.

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Alice P.O.V.

I walked up the stairs being as quiet as possible, and went to look for Alec. Of course, I already knew where he was, he was with Aro and the others. I slowly approached the main room where everyone was, but stopped as I heard quiet mumbling coming from the other side of the doors. I couldn't really hear them even with my super hearing abilities, but as soon as I heard Alec's voice talking to Aro, I immediately barged into the room with no hesitation. I could feel all of the shock in everyone's eyes as I interrupted their conversation.

"Alice? Is there something you need?" Aro asked with a concerned frown on his face.

"Um yes...sorry to interrupt, but I really need to talk to Alec if that's okay," he nodded while Alec walked towards me as I began to walk out of the room.

As soon as we were out of hearing range, I turned to Alec who kept following me as I walked down the hall, "Alice, are you going to tell me what you desperately wanted to say?"

"Uh...yes, but you need to come with me first," I figured if I led him to Sierra, she could explain things better than I could because in reality, I did not understand anything she said besides the danger everyone is in.

We finally made it down the long hallway to the jail cell where Sierra was, and I could sense the confused feeling that Alec was having since I was leading him down a dark, mysterious staircase. As we got closer, I could hear Sierra's muffled voice talking to herself quietly. We both continued to walk until we came to a complete stop, and I watched Sierra's eyes light up as soon as she saw Alec.

"Alec!" Her voice suddenly became full with joy as she rushed up to the cell bars.

"Sierra, how did you get in there?" He asked as he tried opening the door, but failed almost instantly.

"Aro made your sister lock me in, and I really need to get out of here. Is there anyway you could get me out?" she asked as she got on her knees and begged.

"Yeah. I can, but step back...I don't want to hurt you in the process," she nodded and I watched her back up to the other side of the wall.

I saw Alec's eyes turn to me as he mouthed the words, look away, I nodded as well and turned my head away from them. All of the sudden, I heard a loud bang that could probably be heard from the upstairs. I reverted my eyes back to Sierra and Alec who were now hugging since they hadn't seen each other in two weeks. Someday, I wish that could be me if I ever find Jasper again. Just someday that will be me.

"Thank you so much!" She said gratefully as she embraced Alec in another hug.

"You're welcome, now let's go before Aro comes to check on what that loud bang was," he said as my face completely turned blank.

I froze for a few seconds and saw that we were too late. Aro was already making his way down the stairs at this very moment. "Uh... Alec, is there any other exit because Aro is already coming down," I asked as I roamed around the room trying to look for an exit, but knowing Alec, he would probably know something we don't.

"I think so, follow me," we ran at vampire speed towards the end of the cell block. There was a very small opening that led to the sewers.

"Wait what about Bella?" I pulled Sierra back as she walked into the small hole.

"There's no time, Aro will know it was us. She'll be alright. We can't bring her into this, she's in danger Alice. Now let's go," I nodded and went into the opening and followed Alec who was now running down the sewer.

Even though this was totally disgusting, I had to endure it because if we never escaped, we would probably be getting killed one by one, and then get burnt until there was nothing left but ashes. I still felt bad about leaving Bella, but Sierra was right, we have to leave or else she would be in even more danger than she already is in. After about five minutes of running in the sewer looking for a way out, we finally made it out. We ran past all of the people who were staring at us since we just came out from under the ground. I quickly followed behind Alec and Sierra as we ran into a nearby forest to run at vampire speed. Until we thought we were safe enough for Aro to not find us, we finally stopped running.

"Okay, what's happening? Why did you want to leave Bella?" I listened to every question Alec fired at Sierra as the sun began to set.

"It's kind of really hard to explain," he nodded while gesturing his hand for Sierra to continue, but she hesitated a little before she spoke.

"Aro is using Bella for an army against my family," I spit out as I remembered a vision I had a few weeks ago. I could feel the shock rush in Alec's eyes as he looked back at Sierra.

"What? Why would he do that? How do you even know about that? I just found out," Alec asked while I looked up into the sky wondering how to explain this clearly.

"I saw it in a vision once. He's using Bella to get Edward. He thinks Edward can make him more powerful," I explained as I acted like I needed to catch my breath since I spoke so quickly.

"Why does he need Edward?" Sierra asked as she broke the silence that was filling our surroundings.

"Edward can read minds, so Aro feels like he needs him," Alec answered as he looked at me.

"Well what are we going to do?" Sierra asked again while rising in her feet.

"We have to warn them. It's the right thing to do. They have to prepare, and we'll have to fight with them. We're the only ones who know Aro's plan," I said confidently as I folded my arms against my chest.

"When do we leave?" Alec questioned as he grabbed Sierra's hand.

"We'll have to go now," I said as I sprinted deeper into the woods while thinking of what I would say once I see my family again.

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