Chapter 10: Run little sheep. The big wolf is coming to get you

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Mason voice came through my earpiece as I slowly made my way down the stairs, like he know what and where I was. After Aby had gotten my hair down and added some makeup, the mask was put on and let's just say, I looked like I really belonged here. Slowly making my way down the stairs, my dress slide down it slowly as well, some of the young masters standing by it and looking up at me.

"Alright, Oaks. Remember, don't act like you're hiding something because Deadlock is a hunter, and he'll have you pointed out in seconds." Mason's voice said through the earpiece in my ear.

"Shouldn't you also be bugging Heath?" I whispered back, Mason's soft laugh coming through.

"Already did, he gave me some words in return."

I just rolled my eyes lightly as I got to the bottom of the stairs, a young boy walking up. With a dark blue mask on, I couldn't tell if he was a master or not, but I wasn't going to take my chances, one slip, and I would end up in the demands hands. He walked past me but gave me a nod, and I saw something dancing in his eyes, but I ignored it, giving him a nod back and he smiled before making his way up the stairs. I looked around the large room, masters were everywhere. Women with dresses that I was sure cost more than everything in my house. That was when something caught my eyes and I noticed that it was a line of what looked to be like cells, but instead of bars, glass walls allowed you to look through to see who was inside. When I stepped towards one of them, my heart took a leap seeing what it was. I didn't know if there was more, but I could only count about six boy's in this on, chains around their legs, keeping them from trying anything and only one looked at me, his eyes sinking away from mine as he looked back towards the wall in front of him.

"Looking at theses fine ones?" A voice said from behind me making me spin around to see it was a man who had to be in his twenties, a plain black mask over his face.

I just smiled. "Just looking." I said and he returned the smile, walking to where I was standing, looking at the boys.

"These ones came from England." He said and I looked back towards the boys, just barely seeing that one of them looked like he was crying.

"England?" I said, looking at the man and he just kept looking at the boys.

"We get slaves from all around the world." He said meeting my eyes.

And why didn't Mason tell me this?

"Are they already sold?" I asked, Mason's voice breaking through the earpiece.

"Oaks, as mush as you and your kind heart must save everyone, you can't buy them." He said.

I ignored him.

The man rubbed his chin. "I think three of them have."

"How old are they?" I asked, looking past him to see Heath standing on the second level, one hand placed on the railing.

"15 to-to-" The rubbed his chin before snapping his fingers. "17." He said and I swallowed, looking back at the boys.

"I'll buy one." I said, and the man smiled.

"Chose my lady." He said, raising his hand towards the boys.

I pointed towards the boy who had looked at me. "That one, looking at the wall like there's a master peace." I said and the man raised an eyebrow.

"Good choice, he speaks English better than the others, but he's a little pain." He warned as he pulled off a clipboard, scanning over it before turning it towards me.

I looked towards where he was pointing, looking back at him. He smiled and I took the pin, signing my fake name as I read the boy's information.

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