Colonist Slot 1: Natalia "Olive" Amber

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Name: Natalia "Olive" Amber

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Spain

Position: Botanist

Appearance: Olive isn't anything special to look at. Her long hair is the same light brown color as billions of others, and it doesn't even go with her bluish grey eyes. She has problems being taken seriously due to her young age and demeanor, and this isn't helped by having a young look to her face, nor does being just below the average height help her carry herself as an adult.

Personality: Olive is considered to be an odd girl, even within her own family. Like the rest of her family, she is fluent in Spanish, English, and French, but unlike them, she favors speaking French whenever possible. Beyond that, one could look to her tendency to believe she's the smartest person in the room in conjunction with her skittish demeanor for evidence of her oddity. If that wasn't enough, most cite her weird interests as the final verdict on her oddness: after all, no one who literally likes to watch grass grow in her free tins could possibly be normal.

Token: A notebook from her childhood marking the observation of a butterfly that inspired her to pursue the scientific field.


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