Special Awards

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It's that lovely time of Games once again, dear readers! Time to give out all the awards that don't actually matter! Isn't that nice? Plus, it lets me procrastinate doing important things that aren't nearly as interesting, like sleep.

Now that everyone's in the festive spirit, let's get started:

The Land of Origin Award

Not awarded to a single tribute, but to a nation; with this award I recognize the country (actually countries) that served as the nation of origin for the greatest number of tributes. They are:

The United States of America and Australia

The Flew Too Close To the Sun (Literally) Award

Given to a tribute who started strong but ended early, I regretfully recognize Lucien Monseigneur (ariel-lannister). Sadly, he was unable to continue due to excessive non-Wattpad life. I hope things get better in time for the next Games...

The Don't Take Off Without Me! Award

Awarded to the tribute who almost didn't hand in- repeatedly. I may have said some things at the computer which would get this story classified as Mature on Wattpad. Who else could it be besides Marielle Dupain (josie-tee?) As always, you provide the last minute jolt of adrenaline.

The Once More, With Feeling! Award

Given to the character who made best use of the song task, I am pleased to recognize Demetrius Vittore (lostwithmyfriends) for a stirring take on Control in Task Seven. Seriously. I didn't know it would make as much sense as it did, but it made me happy.

The Cosmic Love Award

Awarded to the sweet (and only) ship in the Games, the clear winners are Sydney Morristan and Lucia Paula Fernandez. They really proved love could cross the void...

The Read It and Weep Award

Given to the tribute who got me EMOTIONALLY INVESTED  in a GODDAMN TEDDY BEAR so I made high-pitched noises and probably freaked out my roommate... well, I'm pretty sure you can guess who I'm talking about here. *sighs and waves one hand in vague congratulations due to emotional exhaustion* 

Author Games: Brave New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now