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Chanyeol walked up to Baekhyun's locker the next morning with a smile plastered on his face. His smile quickly faded away though when he didn't find the older there. His eyebrows furrowed and he frowned slightly. Why was Baekhyun late? Chanyeol checked the time on his watch.
Baekhyun wasn't late, he himself was just early. He hadn't even spared a glance at the clock since he opened his eyes until now. So now, Chanyeol figured out he was about 15 minutes earlier than usual. All he was worrying about was to see Baekhyun before he went to class and now he had to wait.
There weren't much students either, he noticed as he leaned against Baekhyun's locker. Just maybe 10 minutes later and tens of students came piling in and as usual he received glances from the majority of them.
What? What was so wrong about leaning on your boyfriend's locker; it was perfectly normal. He knew they'd be judging him cause of that but whatever, he didn't care. Chanyeol quickly stood up straight when he spotted Baekhyun walking through the entrance of the hallway. He put on a bright morning smile for Baekhyun.
"Good morning." he greeted. Chanyeol's grin only grew wider when Baekhyun smiled back shyly.
"Good morning."
Neither of them said anything else, Chanyeol made room for Baekhyun to get to his locker as he only watched the shorter, his big smile still on his face. Baekhyun turned around and looked at Chanyeol silently.
Chanyeol gazed back at him, also silently. He felt weird and different, this time Chanyeol chose to glance at Baekhyun's eyes and once he did he couldn't turn back. They were so beautiful, more than beautiful, way way more than beautiful. Seriously, Chanyeol needed someone to make a whole new word to describe those dark brown orbs that were slowly dragging him in.
Baekhyun laughed lightly as Chanyeol jumped at the sound of the morning bell. It obviously scared the crap out of him while he was busy being captured and lost in Baekhyun's eyes.
"I'll go now." Chanyeol said then he cringed; was it him or was that all they say to each other? They did talk yesterday but its not the same.
"Okay...bye." Baekhyun turned his back to Chanyeol.
"Baekhyun," he called out as he felt a sense of déjà vu right after. Baekhyun turned back around.
"See you at lun-"
"I know, I'll come." Baekhyun grinned.

And he did come to lunch, sat with Chanyeol and his friends just like the past two days and just like the past two days, bickering was going on nonstop at the table. Except today nothing really embarrassing happened to Baekhyun which made him very thankful. Although Kai's and Kyungsoo's arguments made him blush since Kai was being a big fat pervert as usual. Then Luhan had to point out that he was blushing and all eyes shifted to him. They all left his face pretty quickly except a particular extremely tall guy between them.
Baekhyun peeped to his right and caught Chanyeol staring at him. After that Chanyeol didn't glance his way anymore during lunch period. Later, after school Baekhyun didn't bother argue about not riding in Chanyeol's car; he climbed in the passenger seat almost as soon as Chanyeol led him to his car. He, like yesterday, lip-synced the song that was playing as he stared out the window.
They both enjoyed those four minutes of the car ride, not much talking went on, it was pretty much the same. When Baekhyun got off, Chanyeol didn't pull out his driveway until the older boy was in his house safely. Right before leaving, Chanyeol let his eyes probe around Baekhyun's neighbor's house out of curiosity.
The man he saw yesterday wasn't in sight.


The next day at lunch Luhan suggested that they, as a group should go out for some fun before spring break. Because apparently the pairs will each have their own plans starting Friday, which was tomorrow. Chanyeol didn't even know at first that their break was going to be beginning on Friday. He still didn't have any idea what he was going to do with Baekhyun. Chanyeol really needed to stir up an idea or else he'll seem churlish in everyone's eyes, especially Baekhyun's.
He winced at the thought, Baekhyun was supposed to know that he was a nice, pleasant, and a generous person, not otherwise. Except sometimes when he's angry he'll lose his temper, but that's just exceptional. And everyone does that, it's a human thing.
"I'm thinking that we should go to the hideout." Luhan said in a low voice.
"Woah, we haven't been there in months." Kyungsoo widened his eyes.
"I know, that's why I'm saying we should go there. A little reunion."Luhan glanced at Chanyeol and grinned."And at least Chanyeol isn't alone this time."
Before anyone can say anything, Kyungsoo quickly spoke again in an excited tone."Okay...I'll bring the snacks!"
"I'll bring the mats." Sehun added."As usual."
"I'll bring the games." Luhan chirped.
"I'll bring myself and Chanyeol will give us the ride." Kai announced with a proud smile.
"No." Chanyeol refused."It's too small for all of us."
"So what? We'll just stuff ourselves in there." Kai answered him with a shrug of his shoulders."Problem solved."

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