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It was still only 8am when Baekhyun was awoken by soft kisses around his ear and fingers massaging his lower back. As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Chanyeol's handsome smile greeting him, making his day great already. Baekhyun smiled back lazily and rested his head back on Chanyeol's strong but comfortable chest.

"Baek?" Chanyeol called out for him, his voice still husky from sleep, which made Baekhyun shiver slightly.

"Yeah?" Baekhyun answered into his chest. He didn't want to move from the comfy position.

"I'm hungry."

Baekhyun chuckled lightly then looked up at Chanyeol."Already?"

Chanyeol only nodded like a kid then grinned at Baekhyun. Baekhyun wriggled out of Chanyeol's hug and got up on still tired legs. Chanyeol felt his heart skip a beat because Baekhyun got up that quickly just because he said he was hungry.

After washing up in the bathroom downstairs, since their friends were still asleep upstairs, they went into the kitchen and made a quick breakfast.

"Should I make breakfast for the others too?" Baekhyun asked as he was biting into his food. Chanyeol shook his head.

"They're only getting up at noon, I know them."

They remained quiet for a few minutes until Chanyeol decided to speak again."I know what we should do today!" Baekhyun looked at him, waiting for Chanyeol to say it.

"If you don't mind," Chanyeol said."...only if you want to though, we can wash my car."

"I don't mind because I want to," Baekhyun took a sip of his juice then looked at Chanyeol with a small smile playing on his lips.."...and because your car is dirty. It's losing its color. Its owner doesn't take enough care of it."

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow and Baekhyun only laughed a bit.

"What? I'm only saying the truth. Aren't I?"

"Well, that's because I'm too busy taking care of my cute boyfriend to care about anything else." Chanyeol then smiled and leaned in closer to Baekhyun and he could see that Baekhyun had stopped chewing after he said those words.

"Whatever." Chanyeol laughed and flicked a few hairs from Baekhyun's forehead and Baekhyun pretended he was mad, when really he wasn't. He was actually blushing and that, he couldn't hide.

"You're so cute when you blush." Chanyeol said openly, causing Baekhyun to look away quickly, grabbing his water and drinking a pretty big amount.

Then he got up."I'm full."

"Me too." Chanyeol placed his fork down and followed Baekhyun to the front yard. The sun was hot and the weather was perfect for a car wash without ending up with a cold.

"I'll move the car to the back yard, where the hose is." Chanyeol announced and with a nod from Baekhyun, he got to work. Baekhyun appeared not long after at the back yard with a bright smile, and Chanyeol saw that he was excited about the car wash, for Baekhyun had already rolled up his pajamas to his knees and he was searching for the hose around the house. Chanyeol smiled and moved over to where the hose was, taking it out and soon Baekhyun helped him until it was ready to use.

"Wait a second." Chanyeol said, then dashed back into the house and after a few minutes only, he was back with every thing else needed for the car wash. And then they began.

In the middle of their work, Baekhyun suddenly stopped and actually thought about it. How weird and silly did they look washing a car at this early time of the day, and in their pajamas? He laughed lowly to himself, which made Chanyeol stop scrubbing with the soft towel to look at the shorter boy.

"What's so funny?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun only shook his head, cute smile still on his lips.

"No, there is something funny." Chanyeol disagreed."Tell me. I want to laugh too."

"It's nothing, really."

"Baek....come on."

Baekhyun moved to clean another area of the car, then he decided to say it."I was just thinking how silly we look, you know.....washing the car in our pajamas, at this time."

"Oh, that." Chanyeol chuckled."You look cute, I'm the silly looking one here."

"And besides," Chanyeol continued as he watched Baekhyun smile to himself. He moved over to Baekhyun, and whispered near his ear."Whoever's going to see us is only going to be jealous of how perfect we are together. Don't you think that, baby?"

Baekhyun blushed."Don't call me that."

"What? You liked it last night." Chanyeol smirked and Baekhyun turned the color of a tomato.

"W-Whatever." Baekhyun moved away from him and turned to clean another place, quiet vigorously if you asked Chanyeol. And it was still cute, plus the blushing.

Chanyeol suddenly came up with an idea that seemed like much fun to him. He grabbed the hose after turning it on, and once again walked over to Baekhyun, from behind the smaller boy. He hugged Baekhyun's waist with one arm and kissed his temple and Baekhyun froze.

"Are you cold?" Chanyeol asked as his lips hovered over the sensitive area of Baekhyun's neck.

"N-No." Baekhyun stuttered.

Chanyeol looked at all the marks or as they're called, hickeys on Baekhyun's neck from last night and smiled. They looked so beautiful on him. Baekhyun beautflized everything. If that was even a word.

"Why aren't you trying to cover this up anymore?" Chanyeol kissed a purple mark and then another and another.

Baekhyun only gasped, he couldn't reply when Chanyeol was sucking on the area just below his ear. Baekhyun felt weak and he would have fallen if Chanyeol's arm wasn't wrapped around him, pressing his back into the others' chest.

"Wanna get wet?" Chanyeol asked with a grin and Baekhyun wanted to bang his own head on the car because he was a freaking pervert now. He just-

"Chanyeol!" He should have expected the cold water running down his back but he was too busy thinking of another definition of 'wet' to think about what Chanyeol really meant.

"Stop, it's cold!" Baekhyun tried to squirm away from Chanyeol's hold but Chanyeol only held him tighter. And without warning, Chanyeol moved the hose to Baekhyun's chest, causing Baekhyun to flinch again and yell Chanyeol's name.

"Tell me you love me and I'll stop." Chanyeol smiled at the cute expressions Baekhyun was making from the cold water.

Baekhyun only yelled for him to stop again and he still didn't give up trying to get away.

"Come on, tell me." Chanyeol pressed on and because he loved teasing Baekhyun, he moved the hose right in the middle of Baekhyun's head and laughed when Baekhyun took a deep breath in from the water that was all over his face.

"Chanyeol~" Baekhyun nearly whined.

"Say it sweetheart."

"Fine! I love you!" Baekhyun yelled as he tried to cover his face from the cold water."Now move it!"

Chanyeol immediately stopped, aiming the hose to the ground, and turned Baekhyun around to kiss his wet lips.

"I love you too." He whispered on Baekhyun's lips, making Baekhyun smile and kiss Chanyeol again, while he was still smiling. One of his hands rested on Chanyeol's shoulder and the other one was crawling slowly down Chanyeol's left arm, down and down until he grabbed the green hose and then he quickly pulled away, feeling fully satisfied as he sprayed Chanyeol with water.

"You sneaky little...." Chanyeol panted once Baekhyun stopped and laughed at Chanyeol and his current state. Wet from head to toe.

"Revenge." Baekhyun stuck out his tongue.

"Oh really?" Chanyeol shook his head to get his wet bangs out his face and walked just a bit closer to Baekhyun. Baekhyun quickly reacted though, running away from Chanyeol with the hose in his hands. But since he was totally soaked he couldn't get far and Chanyeol quickly (but also gently) tackled him to the ground and there in the dirt (which had turned to mud) and grass, they played around with the water until they both couldn't breathe normally. Their laughter and screaming was filling the quiet and peaceful morning and Chanyeol could really care less about what any one that saw them thought. To hell with it, Baekhyun's laugh was worth everything and anything.

They soon forgot all about washing the car as they sat next to each other in the grass, waiting for the sun to dry them off a bit.

"Now, I'm cold." Baekhyun said and intertwined his hands together.

Chanyeol laughed lightly and he was about to move closer to Baekhyun, to hug him or something but halted when his eyes dropped to Baekhyun's shirt. It was wet, really wet and really thin, making the outlines of Baekhyun's nipples appear and Chanyeol gulped. He remembered how soft they felt in his mouth and he remembered the erotic sounds Baekhyun made when he licked them and STOP CHANYEOL STOP. This isn't a good time.

Chanyeol rapidly looked away from there to the sky, to the car, to the grass, to his feet where a worm was currently crawling its way up; anything to get his mind off Baekhyun's nipples.


A worm.

On his foot.

"Shit!" He hissed and shook his foot violently." Get off me you ugly creature!!"

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol with wide eyes, and looked down at where Chanyeol was looking at in disgust and fear. He saw the worm that was totally refusing to get off Chanyeol's foot, no matter how much he shook it.

Baekhyun tried to hold back his laughter and picked a small stick from near him.

"Relax, it's not going to eat you," He said as he held onto Chanyeol's ankle, pinning it to the floor and gently removed the worm with the stick, then throwing it far away from them.

"Okay, that's its. We're going in." Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand and pulled them up to their feet."Those things are monsters. Always stay away from them, Baek. Don't trust them ok?"

"You're so silly." Baekhyun giggled at Chanyeol's childish behavior, but walked inside with him anyways.

"I'm not. They're just evil."

"How are we going to get in without dirtying the house?" Baekhyun asked when they were at the open door, which led right into the kitchen.

"It's okay, Kyungsoo will clean. We can just avoid the carpets, that's all."

"Woah, I am not going to clean this mess. Take your clothes off here, they're dripping wet!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun both looked up to see Kyungsoo at the stove, his hands on his hips and his eyebrow raised.

"Oh....good morning." Baekhyun said to Kyungsoo, smiling at the kind younger boy, who didn't look so kind right at the moment.

"Good morning, even though its 11 already." Kyungsoo said and turned back to the food cooking in front of him."They wouldn't wake up, no matter what. I wanted to spray them with water but I couldn't because I don't want to make a mess." He looked at the two still standing right at the door, with small puddles of water at their feet."You two looked like you were having fun with the water though."

"You were watching us?" Chanyeol asked. He honestly wouldn't be surprised if his friends made a movie starring all his moments with Baekhyun. They've witnessed so much of them already, so might as well.

"Just snippets of the small fluffy show you were making out there, I was busy cooking." Kyungsoo smiled."You guys are cute. Why lie?"

"Wait right here." Kyungsoo said, leaving the kitchen."I'll go get towels."

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol."What is he doing?"

"What he said he's going to do." Chanyeol responded, knowing that Baekhyun didn't want to change out his clothes like this.

"Is he going to make us-"

"Ok, here. Strip." Kyungsoo was suddenly back and he had thrown a towel for each male.

"Yes, he's going to make us strip." Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun looked uneasy and Kyungsoo and Chanyeol noticed.
Neither Chanyeol nor Baekhyun made a move to take off their clothes and Kyungsoo sighed.

"Guys I'm not going to look, and each one of you can turn around so you won't face each other." He told them."And you can keep the boxers on, if you're so shy."

Just as they turned around silently, Kai came in through the door, hair messy, shirtless, but he was wearing sweatpants and also a smirk.

"Why are they shy? Like they haven't seen each other yet?" Kai went up to Kyungsoo and kissed his cheek, whispered something in his ear then looked back at the flustered Baekhyun and slightly annoyed Chanyeol (annoyed cause he didn't want Baekhyun feeling uneasy)."Those hickeys on Baekhyun's neck says it all, so don't try to act innocent."

Baekhyun gulped and Chanyeol looked at the smaller boy. Kyungsoo hit Kai's bare chest and hissed at him to keep quiet. He grabbed Kai's shoulders and turned him around.

"Go ahead guys, we're not looking." Kyungsoo assured them. Chanyeol quickly took off his shirt and pajamas and wrapped the towel around his hips. He glanced at Baekhyun who looked hesitant, so Chanyeol went close to his ear and whispered."I won't look, even though I want to."

He didn't really mean to say the last part, but he did any way. Because it was the truth. Baekhyun bit his lip and once Chanyeol turned he did the same with his clothes and towel, except he wrapped the towel around his upper body, mostly to cover up the dark marks.

On their way up on the stairs they met with a sleepy looking Sehun and Luhan. The moment, or maybe the next moment because it didn't get in their heads that quick because they had just awoke, they saw the boys with towels around them, the sleepiness was gone and replaced with wide eyes and even dropped jaws.

"I'm still asleep and dreaming." Luhan said to himself.

"Next time we're going to see them having sex." That was Sehun."That'd be a nightmare, which by the way Lulu, I dreamed of us going to....."

Their voices were trailing off as Chanyeol and Baekhyun entered Chanyeol's room. The bed was still messy and there were even blankets and pillows on the floor, most likely the four didn't like being crowded on the bed. Chanyeol also noticed that the bedsheets were different from last night, and he knew Baekhyun had changed them after their little secret.

"You can go ahead and wash up first." Chanyeol told Baekhyun and Baekhyun quickly grabbed clean clothes and dashed into the bathroom, wanting to cover up asap. He wasn't going to wear a sweater in this heat just to cover those marks so he just decided whatever and wore a normal t-shirt even though he gets highly embarrassed around Chanyeol's perverted friends.
After some time they were all clean and dressed up and even the room was clean, since Baekhyun cleaned it while Chanyeol was in the bathroom.

Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand and they went downstairs to the living room where the others were sitting, watching some kind of talent show. Except Kyungsoo, who was going through Chanyeol's board games under the tv. Chanyeol and Baekhyun took a seat and before they could get into the show Kyungsoo distracted everyone by switching the tv off.

"Enough tv, we need to do other things together," He announced then showed them a board game that they all -with the exception of Baekhyun- recognized it from some long time ago."Let's play this, it's been a while."

No one refused and soon they were sitting in a circle on the soft carpet, playing and playing until they got bored of that game. But they didn't stop, they played another game and another and another, until it was time for lunch and they didn't noticed until Kai's stomach growled and he looked at Kyungsoo like he was going to make food appear magically in front of Kai.

"Let's just deliver pizza." Chanyeol said and threw his self on the floor, his long limbs all over the place."I wanna sleep."

Luhan called for delivery and they waited and waited, talking about random things until their lunch arrived. After lunch Kyungsoo decided he needed to go home.

"I have assignments to do."

Kai immediately got up after him."And I have Kyungsoo to do. Bye!"

They left about then, after Kyungsoo smacked Kai's back and let him know that he wasn't touching him for the whole week.

Luhan and Sehun were next, they left, leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol alone again. They watched a drama together, well together until Chanyeol fell asleep with his head on Baekhyun's lap. And Baekhyun stopped watching tv too because he had something else to do. Something else like stare at Chanyeol's sleeping face and kissing his lips gently. He just loved Chanyeol. He loved him so much.

It was about six and it was getting dark when Baekhyun remembered that he needed a book from his house, and a few other things. If they weren't important he wasn't going to ask Chanyeol to drive him there. It was important so Chanyeol immediately agreed and they were going to Baekhyun's house. It took them nearly half a hour and it was already pretty much completely dark.

They were still just getting out the car and Baekhyun just noticed how much he really missed his home. Chanyeol noticed something else though; very little light in Baekhyun's neighbor's house. Where that cursed creep lived. Baekhyun went in while Chanyeol stayed at the door, watching with sharp eyes the other house.

There was movement going on in the house and Chanyeol had a feeling it was that stalker. His feelings were proved right when indeed it was the stalker that sneaked out the door, not noticing Chanyeol yet, so he wasn't ready. But Chanyeol was so ready for him.

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