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"Breakfast is ready." Baekhyun said with a smile for Chanyeol and almost immediately Chanyeol smiled back to him. He wasn't going to pretend he didn't need that smile in his life everyday. Oh, he definitely needed it.

All three boys went to the dining room and found Kyungsoo placing the utensils
beside each plate. Kai walked up to him and abruptly smacked his ass causing the shorter boy to yelp and smack him back, but on his arm, because Kyungsoo wasn't stupid like Kai so he can smack his ass back. Everyone then sat down to eat their breakfast, Kyungsoo was sitting beside Baekhyun and opposite of Kai and Chanyeol was sitting beside Kai and opposite of Baekhyun.

"Enjoy!" Kyungsoo grinned at them then took a bite of his yummy food.

Chanyeol, almost intently, watched Baekhyun eat, he had an unusual feeling creeping into him. He felt like he should keep his eyes on Baekhyun every minute. It was as if he was scared that when he'll turn away just for even one second then look back he'll find Baekhyun gone. It terrified him.

His long legs reached out towards Baekhyun's from under the table. They've done this before but this time both of them were barefoot and it sent tingles up both their spines the second their toes met. Baekhyun's feet stayed still while Chanyeol's began to stroke the top of Baekhyun's soft foot. He looked at Baekhyun and was satisfied to see the older smiling as he was still eating.

"So, I was trying to tell you earlier," Kyungsoo said between his bites."That Sehun and Luhan are out of town for two days."

"And you're so very lucky that Luhan wasn't here." Kai added, talking with his mouth full."He wasn't going to get out of this house till he knew every single detail."

"Jongin, can't you swallow your food first?" Kyungsoo looked at Kai in disappointment."And then talk."

"Okay, baby." Kai smiled at his boyfriend then glanced at Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Chanyeol didn't even look like he was listening to them. His eyes were glued on Baekhyun as he chewed on his food. Kai smirked when he recalled Chanyeol's words.

It's not love my boyfriend's fine ass, Kai thought. Chanyeol was crazy in love. He just didn't notice that he was.

"Chanyeol!" Kai feigned shock."There's a worm beside your plate!"

As expected, Chanyeol jumped away from his food with a huge gasp causing Kai to burst into laughter. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo looked up at them in surprise. Well Baekhyun was surprised, but Kyungsoo after a few seconds knew what his boyfriend did. He knew perfectly well that Chanyeol was afraid to death of worms.

Chanyeol swallowed then peeked beside his plate. There was nothing at all. He closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip then took a breath to calm his scared nerves. Kai was still laughing at him and it made Chanyeol furious. He really had to do that, and to make it worse it was in front of Baekhyun. Gosh.

"Fuck you." He spat at Kai then sat back down."There isn't anything you dumbass."

"I know that." Kai smirked."Duh."

"I'm going to kick your ass out now." Chanyeol threatened.

"Oooohh I'm scared." Kai mocked then looked at Baekhyun."Well now you know, he's a scaredy cat."

"I am not." Chanyeol retorted at his friend.

"He's just scared of worms." Kyungsoo leaned over a bit to tell Baekhyun."It's some kind of phobia he's had since forever."

"And now you have to watch out for him from worms." Kai warned Baekhyun with a small smirk.

"I'll be fine." Chanyeol gritted through his teeth. He was still recovering from the fright he had received.

"You don't want your boyfriend to take care of you?" Kai teased."That's messed up."

Chanyeol glared at Kai."Shutup and mind your own business."

Chanyeol resumed with his breakfast and once again stretched his legs out to Baekhyun's. He circled his ankles around Baekhyun's, keeping the smaller's legs between his own, you could call it a hug except it was with their legs.

He looked at the older and Chanyeol found Baekhyun smiling at him. His lips quirked up into a smile of his own, showing how happy and content he was.

After breakfast they all settled down in the living room, watching some kind of show that they weren't even concentrating on. Kyungsoo kept moving his eyes back and forth from Chanyeol to Baekhyun as he wondered endlessly why Baekhyun was here, and in pajamas; which meant he slept overnight. Kai laid his eyes on Kyungsoo and he didn't move them at all, just admiring his boyfriend as if he hasn't seem him in years. Baekhyun was watching the show but his mind was elsewhere, mostly in Chanyeol land and he could feel the eyes on him. It was Kyungsoo's eyes along with Chanyeol's that were observing him and his every movement. Kyungsoo was curious whilst Chanyeol just couldn't get enough of staring at Baekhyun.

"Jongin we have to leave." Kyungsoo informed his boyfriend after glancing at the clock."It's 11 already."

Kai jumped off his seat and took Kyungsoo's hand."Hurry so we won't be late."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol glanced at the couple with questioning eyes and Kyungsoo noticed."We're going on a date about two hours away from here."

He smiled at Kai and Kai smiled back beatifically as he was extremely excited about their long awaited date. Kyungsoo then went to the kitchen to gather all his clean dishes he had brought breakfast with earlier.

"Okay, we're leaving." Kyungsoo looked at the two that were still seated and they offered him a smile.

"Thanks for the breakfast." Baekhyun said kindly.

"No problem, except Chanyeol could've opened the door quicker when we came."

"Yes!" Kai jumped in."I will kick your balls if you do that again Park Chanyeol."

"Shut up and just leave." Chanyeol joked as he waved his hand towards the door."Bye."

"Dumbass." Kai retorted at his tall friend before he pulled Kyungsoo out the living room then out the house.

Chanyeol chuckled to himself at Kai's behavior. He was one cocky, perverted, annoying friend but Chanyeol liked it that way cause that's how Kai has always been and that's how he'll always stay. He smiled then glanced at Baekhyun, who's eyes were back on the tv. Chanyeol walked over to the couch, and sat beside the older.

"How about we go on our own date, hmm?" Chanyeol said in a low voice and he could see Baekhyun's cheeks tinted with red. Oh, how much he loved that.

Baekhyun looked at him with big eyes."Uhh....I don't know, whatever you want."

"I want to go." Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand and stood up."Come on, let's go get dressed."


"Where are we going again?" Baekhyun asked as looked out the car's window.

"You'll see, almost there." Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun."Do you want the window open?"

"Yeah." Baekhyun smiled lightly then his smile turned into laughter as he stuck his head out the window. His hair was flying every which way with the wind blowing it. It felt really good and he felt free and young. Not that he wasn't but he just felt younger, like a naive kid.Chanyeol put on the radio and he was delighted to hear a soothing song that matched their current state.

He watched as Baekhyun would take deep breaths when he took out his head. The smaller boy reached out his arms also, throwing them in the air to feel the fresh wind run on his bare skin. Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun's childish behavior, it was really cute and it was getting to his heart. They were on a road where all you can see is grass and trees and only very few cars, so they didn't have to worry about people. Chanyeol let out the music loud in the car, he was happy just knowing that Baekhyun was enjoying himself.

Baekhyun put his head back in when Chanyeol stopped the car. He huffed then laughed lightly, trying to get his breath back."That.....was fun."

Chanyeol laughed and reached out to fix Baekhyun's messy hair."Your hair looks funny."

Baekhyun blushed and smiled at Chanyeol, enjoying the moment where Chanyeol's hands were running through his hair. He closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened them to find Chanyeol staring straight into his eyes. They exchange lazy smiles then Chanyeol reluctantly pulled away.

"We came back here again." He said once they were outside the car. Baekhyun looked around and yes indeed they did come back to the field. They walked the same rout as the other day until they got to the same place they had been without the others. It was really windy today but Baekhyun liked it and Chanyeol was okay with it also, except it kept messing up their hair but then again they didn't care.

Both boys were over excited that they were alone in that place again. Chanyeol has always loved it and he's always waited for someone to come with him here, but not just anyone. And Baekhyun immediately grew love and adoration towards the small hill overflowing with colorful flowers. It was because it was beautiful and more importantly because Chanyeol was with him here.

"I brought chocolate bars," Chanyeol said as he plopped down to the ground."Want one?"

Baekhyun followed Chanyeol's actions."Sure." He took the chocolate that Chanyeol was offering him with a smile and shifted to sit with his legs crossed.

"This is very relaxing." Baekhyun looked up at the blue sky then lied down softly on his back. He unwrapped the candy bar and began to eat it slowly, savoring the sweet taste. His eyes shifted from the sky to his side, finding Chanyeol gazing at him softly.

"Is it good?" The taller boy asked and moved also to lay down beside Baekhyun.

"Yeah." They remained silent for the next five minutes, eating their candy and feeling the warm wind on their skin.

Chanyeol shifted to lay sideways right next to Baekhyun, positioning his hand under his chin to support his head as he stared down at the smaller boy who had his eyes closed. It almost hurt to look at Baekhyun, Chanyeol was nearly blinded by his stunning beauty and he questioned why he didn't notice it before. Why he hadn't took not even one glance at the boy before the bet? He truly regretted it and he was thankful for Kai and his stupid bet but Chanyeol wasn't going to admit it to him of course.

He just felt happy like he has never ever felt before and he was considering himself extremely lucky to find such a jewel. But now that he had the jewel he had been waiting for all these years, Chanyeol was scared to death of losing Baekhyun. And there was something that can make him lose Baekhyun easily; it was the bet that Baekhyun didn't know about. Chanyeol wanted to tell him but he was petrified that the older boy might leave him.

He had to do this.

"Baekhyun." He called out softly and watched as Baekhyun opened his beautiful eyes to look at him."I....want to tell you something."

"Mmm?" Baekhyun smiled and Chanyeol completely chickened out. He wasn't going to do this, he was too afraid of the consequences. No, no, no, and again, no.

"Never mind." He said quickly then gave Baekhyun a small smile."Do you want to doodle?"

"What?" Baekhyun was surprised but nodded anyway after a moment."But where are we going to draw?"

"On this," Chanyeol replied as he pulled out a sketchbook from his man handbag that he had brought along."I only have pencils, so it'll be colorless for now."

Baekhyun sat up and took the book that Chanyeol handed him. He marveled over the small simple doodles in it. There were a variety of different drawings on just one page."This is cool." He commented as he went through a few more pages.

"Yeah, they're just random objects I draw. Here." Chanyeol handed him a pencil then he laid down on his stomach and Baekhyun followed suit as he opened a fresh page for them to draw on.

"What do you want to draw?" Chanyeol asked and smiled when Baekhyun just shrugged."You're good at hearts."

"I'm not."

"Whatever, I have one of your hearts and it's really good."

One of my hearts? You have my whole heart. Baekhyun thought before answering Chanyeol."Okay, fine."

He placed the tip of his pencil on the white paper and just as he was ready to draw the first stroke Chanyeol stopped him.


"What?" Baekhyun glanced at him.

"Let's draw it together." Chanyeol grinned happily.

"Oh." Baekhyun smiled as Chanyeol moved closer to him, their shoulders meeting."Okay."

Baekhyun replaced the tip on the paper then motioned to Chanyeol to put his right next to it."Just drag it out so we'll meet at the bottom."

Chanyeol nodded and obeyed the older.

"That's one beautiful heart." Chanyeol said jokingly once they were done.

"No it's not." Baekhyun laughed."It's all crooked and so uneven."

"It's still a heart," Chanyeol picked up the paper and observed the lopsided heart they drew together."Our heart."

Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol then went back to lying on the ground. He squinted his eyes from the bright sun shining down on him."Its too bright."

Hearing Baekhyun mumble that, Chanyeol immediately moved over until the upper part of his body was blocking the sun from annoying Baekhyun's eyes.

"You don't hav-"

"I want to." Chanyeol cut his sentence and kept his gaze on Baekhyun's face. The smaller boy was blushing which satisfied Chanyeol since he loved it so much and he loved it even more when it was because of him. He rested his left arm above Baekhyun's head to support his weight as he hovered above the other.

It felt like centuries that Chanyeol was staring down at Baekhyun until he went down closer and closer then finally pressed his lips against the older's soft and delicate ones. Baekhyun's eyes shut close and his heartbeat increased dramatically when he realized that Chanyeol was kissing him.

Chanyeol kissing him.

He really wasn't moving his lips at first but it was a kiss nonetheless. Chanyeol kept the boy beneath him breathless and melting into a pile of sweets and sugar as he began to slide, slowly and carefully, his desiring lips against the other's. Chanyeol embraced the delicious chocolate flavored pair with his and Baekhyun's fingertips tingled, causing him to curl his fingers through the grass and kiss the younger boy back, pouring all the love he's been keeping deep in his heart for the longest time.

Pure bliss. That's what Baekhyun's lips made Chanyeol feel and he could've sworn on anything that he'd give up everything else in the whole world just to keep those rosy pink lips and of course their owner. He, in just seconds, became addicted to Baekhyun's lips. This was the first time Chanyeol understood and also felt the saying, "took me into paradise."

They gazed into each other's eyes for long seconds when they pulled away slowly. Chanyeol felt like his heart would burst any second from happiness. He cracked a loving smile for Baekhyun and the boy bit his bottom lip but smiled also.

"That," Chanyeol whispered."..was amazing."

"Mmmm...." Baekhyun blushed but agreed silently anyway.

Chanyeol leaned down again and pressed their foreheads together then continued to gaze in Baekhyun's eyes.

"You're beautiful." He breathed out, finally telling Baekhyun what he thought and what he's been thinking about all week.

Okay, maybe he told Kai that it wasn't love, but it was definitely something like that. He liked Baekhyun. Not just his presence but the boy himself.

He really really really liked Baekhyun. That's all he could really say.

They shared one more smile then Chanyeol pulled away, stretching his sore left arm that was propping him up the whole time.

"Want to go eat lunch?"

"We just had breakfast." Baekhyun stated as he got up from his lying position, trying to get air in his lungs since Chanyeol wasn't near him anymore.

"We can go places till we're hungry." Chanyeol stood up and Baekhyun followed him."It's too windy here."

Baekhyun turned around to look at the beautiful view surrounding them."Yeah, it is."

He jumped in surprise when all of a sudden there was a bright red rose in front of his face. Baekhyun smiled and took it out of Chanyeol's hand then turned around to face the taller boy with blushing cheeks.

"You're treating me like a lady." He said to Chanyeol and Chanyeol only laughed then reached out his hand elegantly for Baekhyun to take.

"That's because you are my lady." Chanyeol smiled.

"I'm not a girl." Baekhyun retorted with a red face but took Chanyeol's hand anyway.

"You're still my lady." The younger guided him through the flowers to get back to the car.

Chanyeol wasn't going to let Baekhyun buckle his own seat belt this time. As soon as Baekhyun reached out for his seatbelt, Chanyeol went closer to him and did the job for the older. He gazed at Baekhyun and slowly bent down and placed a soft kiss onto his lips. They both smiled and Chanyeol's gaze lingered for a few moments until he remembered how to think and he remembered they needed to go.

The first hour Chanyeol decided to spend it just driving to no where in particular. Music was on and Baekhyun was humming along and that's all Chanyeol needed. He kept Baekhyun's window open since he asked for it so he would have fun with the wind like earlier. After lunch at a Chinese restaurant they decided to watch a movie, so as Chanyeol said "to make up for the other night when Baekhyun fell asleep". Baekhyun felt guilty and that's why he agreed. Thirty more minutes on the road and they were at a movie theater that was about to play an adventurous thrilling movie, at least that's what it seemed like.

Chanyeol never let go of Baekhyun's hand as he took them to their seats in the back. The movie began but all Chanyeol was watching was Baekhyun's face and mostly lips. He fed Baekhyun from his popcorn and Chanyeol savored the chances he got to feel Baekhyun's lips under his fingertips. Wonderful, just wonderful. Chanyeol had no fucking idea what was going on in the movie and nor did he care.

He didn't care about anything when he was getting some serious eye candy, just inches away from him. Chanyeol glanced at the screen for a second and in the middle of the scene of two characters chasing in the woods, Chanyeol turned and shocked Baekhyun with a surprise kiss. That was it; once he got a taste, Chanyeol couldn't stop wanting more of the sweetness.

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol when he pulled away and the younger only stared back with such softness, Baekhyun and his heart couldn't take it. He took a handful of popcorn and stuffed (at least tried to) them in Chanyeol's mouth. Chanyeol laughed and captured the popcorn that he could from Baekhyun's hand.

"Watch the movie." Baekhyun mumbled and Chanyeol smiled as he dragged his hand to Baekhyun's and intertwined their hands in a warm embrace.

This is also one of my favorite chapter

It Began With A BetWhere stories live. Discover now