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Students being shocked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol's regained relationship was an understatement. Everyone had thought Baekhyun had turned out to be just a part of a bet but they were wrong. So wrong.
Stella thought she had a chance with Chanyeol. But she was wrong too. So so wrong.
Baekhyun's heart was still burning with jealousy each time that revolting memory of her kissing Chanyeol played in his mind. Just two days ago he couldn't do anything about it, but now he was going to do anything to get revenge and tear her apart like she had done to him. Sure he was a nice guy, but she deserved it. It was the least he could do for revenge.
Right as Baekhyun spotted her staring aghast at his and Chanyeol's intertwined fingers, he abruptly stopped Chanyeol from walking and pushed him lightly against the locker that was beside Stella's, then tiptoed to kiss Chanyeol nice and slow, taking his time. Right in front of her face.

"Woah~" Chanyeol gaped at Baekhyun when he pulled away from the surprise kiss.
Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol's cute expression and pressed one more peck on the tempting lips before glancing at Stella, whose face was red in rage. He stuck his tongue out at her childishly, making her gasp speechlessly.
"Mine." Baekhyun bragged proudly, linking his arm with Chanyeol's and turning them around to continue their path.

"And what was that for Baek?" Chanyeol mused, pulling his boyfriend close to assert to people that they were definitely back together.
"Just sweet revenge." Baekhyun replied with a raised eyebrow and a smile.
"Woah, I didn't know that you could be evil. Well, there goes a new thing I've learned about you."
"I'm not evil, she deserved it you know."
"Don't you think it's a bit too much though, it's too cruel to her poor heart." Chanyeol carefully watched Baekhyun's expression.
Baekhyun footsteps gradually became slower."Do you really think so?"
"Yeah, maybe." Chanyeol shrugged.
"Well alright then, you can go kiss her again if you'd like, I won't stop you. Goodbye, I need to be in class soon." Baekhyun said without looking at him, but Chanyeol could see that a pout was forming on his cute lips.
"Is someone jealous?" Chanyeol stopped the other from walking away and pulled him back by his wrist until their foreheads connected.
"No, I'm not jealous."
"Yeah, lie to someone else Baek." Chanyeol whispered, lifting Baekhyun's chin with his index finger."You know I wouldn't want to kiss anyone but you. You know that, don't you?"
"C-Chanyeol, people are watching." Baekhyun stuttered as Chanyeol's hand came to rest on his waist just to pull him even closer.
"That didn't concern you earlier when you pushed me against a locker to kiss the fuck out of me." Chanyeol reasoned. He almost laughed when Baekhyun blushed.
"Now, tell me. You do know that your lips are the only lips I want?" Chanyeol smiled sweetly, almost blinding Baekhyun with his handsomeness."All the time."
"Mmm.." Baekhyun only hummed. He had no idea how to reply to Chanyeol. Of course he was embarrassed that every one was looking but as the seconds passed, he only cared about Chanyeol and the proximity between them. It kind of made him flush all over.
Then Chanyeol kissed him. Probably way more passionately than Baekhyun did earlier. Despite, acknowledging the students walking by and watching, Baekhyun couldn't help but kiss back. Chanyeol's magic had pulled him in once again to not care about anything but his irresistible lips sliding against his own in a way that made Baekhyun's knees weak.
Soon they pulled away slowly, smiling happily at each other.
"What if a teacher caught us? You know that means detention, right?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, blush still on his cheeks.
Chanyeol merely shrugged."I guess we're lucky then. But I don't mind detention if I get to be with you."

"Well, I certainly don't want detention to be in my school record, Mr. Park." Baekhyun playfully hit Chanyeol's arm, causing Chanyeol to laugh.

Later, Chanyeol did get detention but for an entirely different reason. After he had dropped Baekhyun to his class after lunch, he had bumped into the three unforgettable faces that were bullying Baekhyun that one also unforgettable day. Chanyeol merely smiled maliciously when he noticed that it was just them in the hallway. They may had had power over Baekhyun because they were larger than him physically and Baekhyun was vulnerable to begin with. But compared to Chanyeol they were smaller and much weaker, both physically and in their self confidence. He ended up punching all three of them in their faces, bruising the crap out of them. He had just managed to kick one of them in the balls (the one that had pushed Baekhyun, Chanyeol remembered) before a teacher came out of no where. That's how he got detention, and that's how Baekhyun ended up crouching at the door of the detention room, doing some homework while waiting impatiently for Chanyeol's two hours to end.

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