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"I-I don't believe this." Baekhyun muttered incredulously, his voice shaking in desperation.
"Chanyeol actually already has a girlfriend, you know, yesterday's birthday girl. They've been together for seven months. He loves her, not you." The girl said, crossing her arms across her chest.
"No!" Baekhyun shook his head, swallowing the painful lump in his throat ."You're a liar, I still don't believe you. H-He won't do that....he won't."
"Fine, if you don't believe me then answer this question. Where is Chanyeol right now?"
Baekhyun remained frozen. He couldn't answer because he didn't know. He wished he knew.
"I'll tell you. He's on the roof of the school. With Stella, his girlfriend."
Baekhyun's eyes were wide and wet with tears because of the fear that all of what the girl is saying may be true.
"They're spending time together since he's with you most of the time, in order to not lose the bet. They would miss each other dearly by now, don't you think?" She abruptly grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a place he's never went before. Baekhyun couldn't move on his own, he felt paralyzed so he moved the way she wanted him to. They soon got to rail stairs then to a metal door.
The girl opened it quietly and Baekhyun just stood there, in moments his heart shattered into pieces. His eyes let out hot tears, and his lips trembled uncontrollably.
"You believe me now?"
There, a couple feet away, was Chanyeol, his back turned to them.

And he was kissing a girl, that same girl; Stella.

Baekhyun felt his whole world crushing. He couldn't breathe at all.
"See, you should've known, he's a prince and your'e just a nerd."
Baekhyun turned around, wiping his fast falling tears as he hurtled down the stairs, running away from the scene that ruined him in one split second. He snatched his glasses and threw them on the floor, effectively breaking them into almost nothing. He didn't know what he was doing or where he was going, all he knew was that he had to get away from Chanyeol now, and he never never wanted to see him ever again. Baekhyun's cries became sharper by each passing moment, he was completely broken. He felt betrayed and played with. And to make it even worse, by Chanyeol, the only one Baekhyun has loved to this insane point.
Chanyeol was just going to pick up Baekhyun for lunch when he was stopped by the full of make up birthday girl that was pestering him the whole day yesterday.
"If you're looking for your nerd, he's waiting for you on the roof." She announced out of the blue.
"How do you know?" Chanyeol asked unsurely, because he and Baekhyun had already planned that he'll pick Baekhyun up from his class, and this was totally unexpected.
"I just came down from there, and I saw him sitting there alone." She told him and Chanyeol immediately turned away to go towards the roof. It was very unusual for Baekhyun to go up to the roof so Chanyeol began to worry about the smaller male. When he was going up the stairs he saw Stella right after him. He gave her a weird look but said nothing.
"What? I forgot my stuff up here, so I'm coming to get them." She said with a shrug. Chanyeol ignored her and opened the door to the roof, he searched for Baekhyun all over but saw no trace of him. None at all. Chanyeol heard a small malicious chuckle from behind him. He turned around to see the girl laughing right in his face.
So hateful.

"He's not here? Oops, I guess I lied." Stella smiled at him like she was the most innocent creature living.
Chanyeol was just about to turn away but she spoke again, blurting out something he wasn't expecting at all.
"I want you to kiss me, and you're going to do it now."
Chanyeol looked at her like she was insane, which in his mind, she was insane."What? No, I'm not doing that."
"Oh alrighty then, I'll just show him....this video," She clicked on a video on her phone, bewildering Chanyeol."The one where you and your hot friend made "date the nerd for a week" bet. Remember Chanyeollie?"
Chanyeol's eyes went wide as he looked at the video. It was exactly as she said, that day where they made that stupid bet. But how and when did she film them? Chanyeol clenched his jaw and stared icily at her.

"Don't you fucking dare show him this."
"Oh sweetie, but you have to kiss me so I can keep this promise."
"I'm not fucking kissing you." He looked at her in distaste. No way in fucking hell was he going to kiss anyone other than Baekhyun.
"Your choice. But that way, I will be showing your nerdy boyfriend this video."
"Why the hell are you doing this?" Chanyeol hissed.
"Because I feel like it, so what do you say?" She raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

It Began With A Betحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن